1655338146 Two accidents in a few minutes child hit in Via

Two accidents in a few minutes: child hit in Via Fiume, car overturns in Via XXIV Maggio CittaDellaSpezia

A child was run over in Via Fiume and a car overturned between Via XXIV Maggio and Piazza Dante Alighieri. The toll is two injured and the traffic accidents happened almost simultaneously.

According to the findings of the local police, in the accident on Via Fiume, a child was hit by a passing car and the child was transported in yellow code by the Red Cross to the pediatric emergency department of La Spezia. His condition is stable and would not be a cause for concern. The dynamic is determined.

Traffic accident on Via XXIV Maggio

The second incident dates back to around 6.30pm when a van and another car collided. The second vehicle overturned and a woman drove into it. In this case, too, it will be for the local police to determine the dynamics of the matter and it would not be excluded that one of the two vehicles would have passed on red. The 72-year-old woman was rescued by La Spezia Public Assistance and 118 rescuers who arrived aboard Delta and was then escorted to the hospital in a yellow code. In addition to the local fire brigade, the fire brigade also intervened on site. Traffic has been severely slowed due to the completion of all rescue efforts.