The project envisages a change from 62 to 64 years from 2030; To come into force, the initiative must be approved by both chambers of Parliament by March 26
JULIEN DE ROSA v AFPThe French Senate is dominated by rightwing politicians
the Senate of France passed the core article of a project to reform the social security system, raising the retirement age from 62 to 64 by 2030, on Wednesday evening 8th. In a rightwing Senate, the vote ended with 201 votes in favor and 115 against. To enter into force, the initiative must be approved by the two houses of parliament by the next 26th. If this does not happen, the government can implement its project through a decree, which is unprecedented. The decision comes two days after the largest protest against the presidentsponsored pension reform Emmanuel Macron. More than 1.28 million protesters took to the streets on Tuesday 7th, according to authorities, and 3.5 million according to the CGT union and with the start of prolonged strikes. The mobilization surpassed that of January 31, which had been considered the largest antiwelfare demonstration in the country in three decades. Representatives of both chambers are to meet next week to come to a joint text, which MPs and senators are to discuss again on March 16. Despite the approval of the Senate, the acts should take place by this Thursday. Unionists are blocking fuel shipments from refineries, gas depots and four LNG (liquefied natural gas) terminals. Key ports of Le Havre, Rouen and Marseille have also been temporarily closed and striking electricity workers continue to reduce electricity production, in addition to the cancellation of train services and disruption to public transport.