1689083784 Two McGill football players banned for 12 years

Two McGill football players banned for 12 years

Costa and Dimitrios Papanikolaou of the McGill University football team have been banned for 12 years by the Canadian Center for Ethics in Sport (CCES).

The CCES has addressed several anti-doping rule violations. Urine samples from both athletes revealed the presence of MRSA LGD-4033, a banned anabolic product.

Both players were tested in a competitive test on October 23, 2021 and a training test on October 13, 2022.

The two players requested a hearing when informed of the positive test on October 23, 2021. CESS then imposed a temporary ban on December 17 of the same year.


Costa Papanikolaou Screenshot CEGEP VANIER


Dimitrios Papanikolaou Screenshot LinkedIn

Lock lifted

The suspension was lifted on September 9 at the request of two athletes under Canada Anti-Doping Program Rule 7.4.1, allowing them to compete again.

When the athletes were informed of a second positive result following the October 13, 2022 test, they requested a re-joint hearing.

On December 17, 2022, they were again subject to a temporary ban.

On May 19, referee Janie Soublière confirmed the breach and imposed a 12-year sanction. Both players are banned for four years for the first violation and eight years for the second. These will be deleted one after the other until February 25, 2034.

During this time, the Papanikalaou brothers may not participate in any signatory sport of the Canada Anti-Doping Program for the purposes of competition or training.


It was not possible to speak to a CCES representative, but McGill University responded by sending a statement to the journal Monday night.

“The McGill Sports Department was alerted Monday by the Canadian Center for Ethics in Sports to the suspensions related to anti-doping rule violations by two former McGill students.

“All McGill student athletes are made aware of the dangers of using prohibited substances and the strict rules they must follow. There is simply no place for performance-enhancing drug use.”