1675059393 Two missing foreign skiers unresponsive after Nagano avalanche The

Two missing foreign skiers unresponsive after Nagano avalanche

NAGANO — Police said Monday they found two men missing on a 2,100-meter mountain in Nagano Prefecture after they were caught in an avalanche while skiing off-road the previous day.

The men were found in a state of cardiopulmonary arrest, police said.

The two skiers were among a total of 13 people in three groups, all foreign nationals, who were outside guarded areas near Tsugaike Mountain Resort in the village of Otari when Sunday’s avalanche struck, police said. The two men were believed to remain unconscious while the 11 others descended the mountain safely.

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  • Injured skiers, hidden under sheets, board an ambulance Sunday night after an avalanche at Tsugaike Mountain Resort in Otari village, Nagano Prefecture.  |  KYODO

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