Two more arson attacks in Saguenay –

Two more arson attacks in Saguenay –

There were two arson attacks in the Chicoutimi-Nord sector of Saguenay on Thursday evening. Two fires in addition to the other arson that occurred just last week on Rue Massenet.

It is still too early to establish a connection between these three events, said Saguenay police. On Roussel Street, criminals set fire to a compost bin containing bark. Éric Tremblay and his partner thank heaven for his absence as flames erupted just below their bedroom.

VAT News

“If we had been working we would have gone to bed and it might have been worse. We might not have known about it and might have stayed there,” the man said.

The damage is considerable. The basement and bedroom need to be cleaned and then repaired. When they arrived, police used water from the swimming pool to prevent the fire from spreading until firefighters arrived.

The other arson was started in a wastebasket near Saint-Émile Street. Luckily there was no damage. However, the owner of the site still hopes for increased police surveillance.

Police do not yet know whether the two fires were started by the same people. The case was forwarded to the criminal investigation department.