Two new chapters in the Debt series and four more

Two new chapters in the Debt series and four more proposals that you can see on TV today

La Sexta is broadcasting two new episodes of the series Debts. On La 1, MasterChef Celebrity visits Antonio Banderas in Malaga. La 2, in turn, contains a report about the new family models on the cover. Antena 3 offers another appointment with El novice, with Bárbara Rey as a guest. The cinema is represented on this day with an excellent musical film, Begin Again, by John Carney.

“Start again”

Begin Again by John Carney

4:15 p.m., AMC

USA, 2013 (104 minutes). Directed by: John Carney. Cast: Keira Knightley, Mark Ruffalo, Hailee Steinfeld.

After the great Once, John Carney once again combines his love of cinema and music in this luminous film about a young singer and a disgraced producer. The images in Begin Again exude life and sincerity, relying on the power of music to elevate the most mundane moments into transcendence. The sequence in which Ruffalo realizes in his imagination the arrangements he would incorporate into a naked Keira Knightley song remains one of cinema’s most emotional outbursts of recent years.

“On the cover” and the new family models

9:45 p.m., La 2

Report New Families, broadcast by On the Cover in La 2

The report “New Families” describes how social change has given way to more and more family models. Among other things, coparenting is a new way to have children without the need for an emotional or sexual relationship. Also called co-parenting, it ignores romantic love or physical contact and occurs between two people who meet to have and raise a child together. The profile of those who choose it are men and women between the ages of 35 and 45, with higher education and economic stability. Another important group are homosexual men, for whom another door opens in their lifestyle.

Two new chapters of “Debt”

10:30 p.m., sixth

Debt series published on La SextaRaul Guerrero

Daniel Écija’s crazy comedy, which unites the love and hate of a group of characters, continues on La Sexta with two new episodes. It’s about how Pepa forbids her family from having any contact with the De La Vega, even though the Carranzas were invited to the inauguration of the statue of Doña Consuelo. On the other hand, Pepa learns that the De La Vega will receive a visit from a Russian businessman to whom they will give a Kandisky and sees this as a good opportunity to solve their financial problems.

Banderas, with “MasterChef” in Malaga

10.40 p.m., 1

Antonio Banderas in MasterChef Celebrity, broadcast on La 1

This week Antonio Banderas will host the judges and contestants of MasterChef Celebrity at La Pérgola del Mediterráneo, on the roof of the Real Club Mediterráneo in Málaga. After opening the Teatro del Soho Caixabank in the city in 2019, the actor launched this gastronomic project that focuses on local products. Participants in the program must prepare a menu designed by the restaurant’s gastronomic team, which will be tasted by 60 personalities from Málaga’s social and cultural life.

Bárbara Rey introduces the show to Joaquín

10:45 p.m., antenna

Bárbara Rey and Joaquín in The Newbie, broadcast on Antena 3

This week’s episode of “The Rookie” sees Joaquín traveling to a large and bright stage where renowned artist Bárbara Rey reveals to him the ins and outs and secrets of her profession. The former footballer will also meet Bárbara Rey’s children Ángel and Sofía Cristo, who will reveal secrets and curiosities about the family. In addition, choreographer Poty Castillo will put his knowledge at Joaquín’s service to make him a star on stage.

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