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Two Palestinians Killed by Israeli Soldiers in the West Bank

Israeli troops shot dead two Palestinians in the West Bank yesterday. The Palestinian Health Ministry said one of the dead was a 14-year-old man who died from a gunshot wound to the head in Kalkilia, in the northern West Bank. The Israeli military said soldiers in Kalkilia shot at “a suspect who threw Molotov cocktails at them”.

Another Palestinian was shot dead near the city of Ramallah, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry. Paramedics northwest of Ramallah treated 50 people injured by tear gas, rubber bullets or beatings, according to the Palestinian aid organization Red Crescent.

The Israeli army said forces responded to a “violent uprising” in which a soldier was lightly wounded by a hurled stone.

Israel has occupied the West Bank since the 1967 Six-Day War. Every Friday, Palestinians gather in parts of the West Bank to protest.