Two slaughterhouses in Rondonia are authorized to export meat to

Two slaughterhouses in Rondônia are authorized to export meat to Asia; One of them is Marfrig from Chupinguaia Folha do Sul Online

Another released unit is Frigon from Grupo Irmãos Gonçalves

Frigorífico Marfrig, from Chupinguaia in southern Rondônia, is one of the 11 Brazilian entities authorized to export to Indonesia, a country in Southeast Asia. The information circulated in the trade press in the center of the country this Wednesday: Two other Marfrig plants in Promissão (SP) will also be able to export to the Asian state.

Frigon from Jaru, a branch belonging to Grupo Irmãos Gonçalves, the largest retail chain in Rondônia, is the second in Rondônia to appear in the editorial board and has the opportunity to export the meat it produces to the country on the Asian continent export.

The announcement sparked a positive reaction in the beef market. The Brazilian Association of Refrigerators (Abrafrigo), on the other hand, said it had not received any official statement from MAPA.

On news of the qualification, the live cattle futures market on the Brazilian stock market jumped yesterday (Wednesday, 18th), boosting January negotiations by 3.3%. The cattle market apparently celebrated after a period in which ranchers have been dismayed by low prices for fatty cattle in recent weeks.

activated refrigerators
Marfrig from Tangará da Serra MT; Great Valley of Matupá MT; Marfrig de Promissão SP; Marfrig from Chupinguaia RO; Minerva de Janauba MG; Barra Mansa de Sertaozinho SP; FriGol from Água Azul do Norte PA; Mercúrio Alimentos de Xinguara PA; Frigon de Jarú RO; Max Beef by Carlos Chagas MG; Astra by Cruzeiro d’Oeste PR.