Two suspects arrested after a police chase

Two suspects arrested after a police chase

Two men in their 20s were arrested after a police chase in Laval on Wednesday night.

Police attempted to intercept a vehicle near the Sheraton Hotel parking lot, a location known as a vehicle theft hotspot.

As police approached, the driver of the vehicle went off with a bang, prompting a police pursuit northbound on Highway 15.

In the leak, the motorist would then have attempted to sow the police by taking the same highway but heading south, a Laval police spokesman said.

At some point, the vehicle crashed into a concrete curb on the highway and caused two punctures on both front tires, the SPL said.

Despite the two flat tires, the suspect continued to flee before coming to a stop in the middle of the road between Highway 440 and Saint-Martin Boulevard.

The driver and his passenger were quickly arrested by police and will later be picked up by investigators who will try to determine whether or not the vehicle was stolen.