“Ugly and vain” | The detail about Camilla that infuriated social networks fashion and image

King Charles III and Queen Camilla Source @Gettyimages – Modaeimmagine.it

Queen Camilla got everyone mad! In social networks it is said that she is ugly and vain: this is what happened at the coronation ceremony.

Camilla never had the favor neither of the people, nor of the press, nor of the royal family. Always considered as one break families and forced to hard confrontation with the Princess Lady Diana.

Also during theCoronation of King Charles IIIQueen Camilla”ugly and vain‘ as they wrote many on social mediaThey’ve been talked about, and not in a positive tone.

The reason for the allegations would be found in a gesture what he would have accomplished at his coronation, but what has he done?

Queen Camilla is really mean and vain, or maybe we are just misunderstood a normal gesture? we see What happened during the coronation: all the details.

what did the queen do

From shortly after the coronation on the canal Official BBC YouTubesee a snippet of the ceremony Coronation of King Charles. The title of the video is “Wait, Queen Camilla is crowned at the coronation ceremony in Westminster Abbey!” in which we see the precise moment Queen Camilla is crowned by making what appears to be a simple and innocuous gesture that has earned her the nickname “ugly and vain“.

Queen Camilla’s grave mistake would have been to have it fixed the hair that flashed before her eyes after she was crowned Queen at Westminster Abbey. Many have interpreted this gesture as one act of vanityimmediately the obvious comparisons with that beautiful Princess Lady Dianainsults Camilla for her physical aspect.

Source @Gettyimages – Modaeimmagine.it

Is Queen Camilla ugly and vain?

But Queen Camilla she is really ugly and vain? Well, if she did, at least she did! She managed to stay with her person who loveseven become queen as in a fairy tale that comes true. Beyond his physical aspectit didn’t seem like such a vain gesture to us, but simply a gesture that anyone could have made the hair that goes in front of the eyes. Especially considering that Camilla had to go down a few steps and walk down the aisle while looking at the whole world, having a clear visual space was a top priority for her.

Among other things, the video clearly shows how Queen Camilla, called “ugly and vain”, actually looked very good excited and awkward, but above all happy, together with his beloved Charles III. to have crowned his dream. Patience, if she was not motionless as a statuette, whether she will be a good queen only time will tell, and if she styled her hair out of vanity, what is it the problem? Wouldn’t you too? look your best in such a situation?