UK Two teenagers found guilty of murder of transgender teenager

UK: Two teenagers found guilty of murder of transgender teenager

The two defendants, fascinated by “violence, torture and death,” had drawn up a handwritten plan last year before taking action.

Two teenagers were found guilty on Wednesday December 20 of the murder of 16-year-old British transgender Brianna Ghey, whose death in a “frantic” knife attack sparked widespread emotion in the UK last year.

At the end of a grueling four-week trial, the jury at Manchester Court found the guilt of the two teenagers – nicknamed “Boy Y” and “Girl X” to avoid revealing their identities – who blamed each other throughout the murder attempted murder.

Brianna, 16, was stabbed 28 times in the head, neck, chest and back with a hunting knife on February 11 after being lured to a park in Culcheth, not far from her town of Warrington, near Liverpool (north-west of Liverpool). had been England).

The two defendants had planned to hide Brianna's body in the park, but were discovered by a couple walking their dogs and fled the scene, the BBC reports. Emotions were high in the UK, where the rights of transgender people are at the center of heated debate.

“Protect trans young people”

After the murder, thousands of people paid tribute to Brianna Ghey at candlelight vigils organized in several cities across the country. Participants called for “protection for trans youth” and “justice for Brianna.”

The then 15-year-old defendants face life imprisonment for the murder, which investigators described as “horrible.” You will find out your sentence later.

“In reality they are both very intelligent, very bright children who are very articulate,” Cheshire Police Commissioner Mike Evans told the BBC.

These two teenagers, who prosecutors said were fascinated by “violence, torture and death” and had a “thirst to kill,” planned Brianna Ghey's murder for weeks, with a handwritten plan and numerous messages discovered by police.

According to the BBC, the two defendants had also drawn up a “victim list” containing the names of five children before selecting Brianna as their target.

A fascination with serial killers

British radio also reported that Girl dismembered his victims.

Eight days before Brianna's death, the defendant also sent her co-defendant a photo of a handwritten note that read:

“Saturday, February 11, 2023. Victim: Brianna Ghey,” with details of how the two young people planned to kill her.

In particular, the police found a jacket with traces of Brianna's blood in the teenager's room. A knife with blood was also found on his co-defendant, the DNA of which matched that of the victim, the prosecution said.

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