Ukraine, a year of war: Analysis of the conflict between economics, politics and prospects


The 24 Ore Group steps out with their signatures and voices for a week of insights across all channels: paper, web and radio. Analysis of the conflict between economics, politics, global consequences and perspectives. 7 daily monothematic appointments on Sole 24 Ore, insights into over 20 Radio 24 programs, 1 original podcast, online maps and graphics on Lab24 and, long form and report on 24+, live video on Sole 24- Website and social media hours with 18 journalists involved

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A year after the start of the war in Ukraine, sparked by the Russian invasion of February 24, 2022, the conflict is ongoing and there are no signs of an eventual peace. However, the consequences are already visible now, both from a humanitarian point of view, with a high loss of life and the emergency associated with the large number of people under siege or displaced, and from an economic and political point of view, with economic shocks and large financial investments , especially in the commodity markets.

To understand the extent of this conflict and, above all, to analyze its current consequences and future prospects the 24 ORE Group uses all its means – paper, internet and radio – and its signatures with the goal of creating a multi-item image: from Saturday 18 Februaryhave readers and listeners available 7 daily monothematic appointments on the Sole 24 Oreinsights into over 20 radio 24 broadcasts with news, interviews and live links, a wide range of possibilities on-line analyze and understand the changes taking place laboratory 24the visual area of ​​the IlSole24Ore.comand with the radio 24 website, as well as with the Original PodcastDestination Ukraine, journey in a war year”. At 24+In the area reserved for subscribers to the Il Sole 24 Ore site, there will be a great new theme “A Year of War” they collect i long shape hey Report from Ukraine and all Il Sole 24 Ore items.

A path that culminates Friday 24thwith the Dedicated radio day from Radio 24 It is a Live video on the Sole 24 Ore website and social networks.

A far-reaching palimpsest resting on one Team of 18 names and voices of the 24 ORE Group to take a look at the political, economic and social effects of the ongoing war.

We leave Saturday 18 February with Il Sole 24 Ore The, until Friday, 24. will be dedicated to the Russo-Ukrainian War daily monothematic insights with interviews, analysis and commentary to focus what is that situation Interior of Ukraine from an economic perspectiveWhat are the impact of the conflict on European level hey Runway reconstruction projects. There will be a picture of what is happening in Russia – with the analysis of the impact of the sanctions on the economy, the changes they have brought about in the country also at the financial level, the impact on the energy sector – and the wider geopolitical consequences.

Sunday 19. The long approach path from broadcast 24 On the anniversary of the beginning of the conflict with Europa Europa and Immagini, while numerous appointments are planned from Monday with 24 Morgen, No Place is far away, Effect Day, Effect Night and the Main Gr that will culminate with Radio Day From Friday February 24th A special programming which unfold from the morning in the broadcasts and in the Gr throughout the day and involve the entire newsroom. they will close on the weekend of February 25th and 26th, a special episode of Si può fare and Si può fare – Storie dal sociale and two reports: one devoted to “Ukraine, a year of war and Europe” and one focused on the Italian history of the Ukrainian diaspora.

The appointments continue on-line: from Monday 20 February will be available on the Radio 24 and Sole 24 Ore website and on all platforms The Radio 24 original podcast “Destination Ukraine, a trip in a war year”: a live story edited by the editor-in-chief of Radio 24 Gigi Donelli, which he will accompany in seven stages in the “middle way”, in the European bridge between West and East. From the border of Poland to Bucha, the journey meanders from the borders of Europe to the heart of the country: in the cities where you live every day and in the cemeteries where the dead soldiers are mourned, on the trains, the Landes and in the metro of the capital to understand how the daily life of a country has changed at the crossroads between the risk of disappearance and the final affirmation on the world stage.

At 24+the section of Il Sole 24 Ore website reserved for subscribersa new awesome theme will be available, “A Year of War”will collect the original longforms and reports from Ukraine, as well as in-depth articles on the economic and geopolitical impact of the conflict: from the Correspondent’s Story Roberto Bongiorno from Odessa and Kherson to the long form of Antonella Scott on the Russian economy today a year after the sanctions to deepen Sissi Bellomo on gas and oil: How Europe gradually liberated itself from Moscow.

At laboratorythe visual area of ​​the IlSole24Ore.coma row of Maps, long forms and graphics show what has changed in a year of war. First in the field, with troop placement. Then in the selection of countries. In fact, the last year has turned Europe upside down: Germany, not investing in defense, finally announced a €100 billion fund and led the way in sending tanks. The story will also extend to the energy front, with the transition from Russian gas by pipeline to American LNG, and the economic, from a very low money price economy to record increases.

Even the Radio 24 websitein the special section of Chosen for you, collects all programs and insights, pictures from Ukraine and with No Place is Far, for #radiochesivede, Maps exclusively from phase 2 cartographers.

Friday February 24thfrom 12:30 p.m., is finally planned Live video on the Sole 24 Ore website and social networks who will summarize the 12 months of war and narrate the current situation in the conflict zones through video links with the correspondent of Sole 24 Ore, Roberto Bongiorni, and that of Radio 24, Gigi Donelli. Guests in the studio will welcome Riccardo Barlaam, Editor-in-Chief of Il Sole 24 Ore, Antonella Scott, Il Sole 24 Ore’s longtime correspondent from Moscow, Eleonora Tafuro, ISPI researcher, expert on Russia, the Caucasus and Central Asia and Antonello Tancredi, Professor of International Law from the University of Bicocca in Milan. Always Friday February 24th This will be published on the Sole 24 Ore website document videodedicated to a year of war, entitled: War in Ukraine: the pretexts, the aggression, the economic consequences of 12 months of conflict.

The participating journalists of the 24 ORE Group: Riccardo Barlaam, Sissi Bellomo, Laura Bettini, Roberto Bongiorni, Cristina Carpinelli, Gianluca Di Donfrancesco, Gigi Donelli, Valentina Furlanetto, Roberta Giordano, Alessio Maurizi, Gianpaolo Musumeci, Rosalba Reggio, Luca Salvioli, Antonella Scott, Simone Spetia, Ugo Tramballi, Marco Valsania, Luca Veronese.

To communicate the special coverage of the 24 ORE Group A single logo was created that will “dress” all productions.

Learn more

War in Ukraine: the dossier

Ukraine, the maps of the conflict

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