Ukraine Andrea Scanzi at Accordi Disaccordi Nove Why doesnt

Ukraine, Andrea Scanzi at Accordi & Disaccordi (Nove): “Why doesn’t the left take to the streets for peace? The responsibility lies with the Democratic Party”

“There the left it is not square a invoke peace? The responsibility rests with the Democratic Party, the most warmongering party in the entire parliamentary arc.” Like this Andrea Scanzi in his speech as a regular on the new season of ‘Agreements & Disagreements’the political talk that will be broadcast on Nine under the direction of Luca Somi with the participation of Marco Travaglio, on the proposal by M5S President Giuseppe Conte to hold a peace march without political flags to revive diplomatic initiatives in the war between Russia and Ukraine and the distrust with which the Democrats have met the proposal. “I remain shocked at the lack of concept, but also at the horror and embarrassment of using the word ‘peace’ on the left. – said the journalist – as you noticed, the concept of peace applied to this war is now an exclusive, a kind of copyright that has remained to the Pope, to Santoro and to Conte. It’s pretty obvious that the Democratic Party, which still has 19%, and who of them got elected many left votersis the most more warmongersthe more ‘gunsmith’, excuse the ugly imprint, the voter himself says, ‘Okay, but if the Democratic Party tells me it’s okay, I won’t take to the streets,'” he continued. Scanzi also admitted: “I’m one of those people who, unlike Di Battista, who was probably right, was at the beginning he would have voted for armamentsbut after three, four, five, six weeks, as Conte fared, as partially Salvini fared and many others, the fateful question was asked: Is that the right strategy? Okay so or we are in good faith or bad faith drive the conflict to despair? Do we want to face this problem? In my opinion, that is why those who take to the streets will do so, not because they are Putinians, but because they want us to focus more on diplomacy and not onSpread your weapons with both handswhat the European Union is doing. And here I stop. The big culprit is the Democratic Partywhich was completely divided even yesterday when the European Union said ‘ok, let’s send the guns’,” Scanzi concluded.

‘Agreements & Disagreements’ is produced by loft productions for Discovery Italia and will be available in live streaming and then on-demand via the new streaming service discovery + as well as on the website, app and Smart TV of TV loft. Nove can be seen on Digital Terrestrial Channel 9, Sky Canale 149 and Tivùsat Canale 9.