1653007522 Ukraine La Russa takes it out on the pacifists and

Ukraine, La Russa takes it out on the pacifists and blurts out with Giarrusso and de Magistris: “Let me talk…

Unbridled anger of the senator from Brothers of Italy, Ignazio La Russaduring the transfer “The Air That Pulls” (La7), on the position of those opposed to arms sales to Ukraine, represented in the debate in the studio by the MEP M5s, Dino Giarrussoand the former mayor of Naples, Luigi de Magistris.
“It’s a lot easier there peaceful and demagogic propaganda in terms of complex concepts,” thunders La Russa, citing the Soviet invasion of Hungary in 1956.

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“I wasn’t born in 1956”, ironically de Magistris repeated by Giarrusso.
La Russa bursts out: “I did, but even in Julius Caesar’s time you weren’t born. But you know who he is, at least I hope so.”
“No but I am pleased that you are now interested in Africans with Salvini. It is a novelty, ”replies de Magistris, referring to today’s appeal by the chairman of the league to Draghi to unblock Russian and Ukrainian wheat exports to avoid famine in Africa.
“Don’t interrupt me with nonsense – replies the Melonian senator – We are talking about complex things”.
“But it’s an appreciation,” says de Magistris.
“What do you know that interests me?” asks La Russa, clearly annoyed by the interruption.

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As long as La Russa, a well-known nostalgic, has no regrets about the colonies‘ comments Giarrusso, unleashing the senator’s unstoppable fury.
“I was born a step away from Africa, ignorant,” replies the parliamentarian.
“I know we are fellow citizens, La Russa,” comments Giarrusso.
“If the stork hadn’t had the brakes, I would have been born in Africa instead of Sicily,” La Russa replies. “Well, I know a lot more about Africa than you do, okay? Stop talking nonsense”.
Then, finally impatient with the interruptions, he loses his temper, bangs his fists on the table and lets himself be cursed.