Ukraine, Micalessin (newspaper): “The first casualty of this war is the truth”

“The first casualty of this war is the truth”. This was reported to Adnkronos without hesitation by Gian Micalessin, historical war correspondent of “Il Giornale, and sent to Ukraine to Henichesk in the Kherson region on the Sea of ​​Azov. Micalessin thus intervenes in the contested “narrative of the ongoing conflict, which sees two opposing mindsets and animates talk shows and debates in an anthology of labels and slogans, from “proNATO to “proPutin, from “pro. Step ‘to’ prowar’. “We Italians are always aligned because we believe that there are good people and bad people, and that’s never the case in a war,” explains Micalessin. “War is horror, if you adapt to horror you can fight it, otherwise no, that’s the truth”.

According to Micalessin, “The rankings of who is good and who is bad don’t make sense. Being on the right side doesn’t make your fight any less bloody. Now we evaluate wars and events with the same logic as social media, in violent and superficial ways that don’t pay attention to what they say, but put the enemy ‘with their backs to the wall’: it doesn’t matter what you say, but which side you’re on,” he emphasizes. “But on a battlefield, everyone has their reasons and their wrongs, and that’s not how it works.” Analyzing the ongoing conflict, the war correspondent notes: “The big culprit is Russia, which made a mistake because those who were in the entered war, took the wrong side he clarifies and above all, he got it wrong in his predictions because he thought he would be accepted. in Kyiv with the gang as liberators, as happened in Crimea”.

This “didn’t happen in Ukraine because the US, England and NATO had started training since 2014 and the political climate had changed, and it’s incredible that the Kremlin intelligence didn’t know about it”. On the other hand, “I think it’s a conflict that’s clouded by Europe’s huge absence on the political scene.” Europe, the chronicler points out, “had a moral duty after the Euromaidan (the violent proEuropean demonstrations that began in Ukraine in November 2013, after the government decided to suspend negotiations on Ukraine’s accession to the European Union rather than NATO , editor’s note). Advocate for Ukraine to join the EU, but not NATO. This partly helped to prevent the negotiations.

Regarding the images of the Bucha massacre that shocked world opinion, Micalessin Adnkronos explains his view of the facts: “I will only say one thing. In 1989 I was in Romania to tell about the Timisoara revolution. The center of the narrative was . these mass graves, which first contained 10,000, then 30,000, then 60,000, who must have been victims of Ceausescu’s Securitate. the great mass grave we spoke of. I haven’t made any judgments since that time. ” For the journalist, “we discover that we die in war, but let us remember that all wars have had their massacres. There is individual responsibility for the crimes committed, but it seems to me unfair to convert them into the judgment of a people” .

About the current phase of the conflict: “We have entered the second act of the war, but we have to see if it goes according to the Russian script explains Micalessin that is, that Russia will be able to achieve the main goal, the conquest of all approaches to the sea and all territories east of the Dnieper”. What are the difficulties in the Russian “script? “A demoralized and exhausted army because it didn’t win as expected and has many casualties, and on the other side a very motivated and very well armed Ukrainian army. Tanks, new tactical fronts, and all the concentration of Turkish drones now operating in a very concentrated area, and all of this will result in more major casualties.”

And then “according to them, this should end on May 9, so that the Russian leadership could celebrate the victory as part of the parade for the Victory of 45 over Nazism, which Russia celebrates every year. But at this point we need to see if Kyiv and NATO are ready to accept a unilateral ceasefire. If we look at NATO’s positions, we see that this war is no longer a war for Ukraine but a war to destabilize Russia and possibly lead to the overthrow of the regime.. in any case, Russia will have to guarantee the stability of the conquered territories. Will it be able to? There is a threat of a war of attrition that will last much longer.”