Ukraine, Moscow: “Sarmat missiles are in combat mode”. What they are and why NATO fears them

Rome, September 1, 2023 – Il Russian Sarmat strategic missile system was placed in “fight mode”. Russia has thus increased the alert level, said Borissov, head of the Russian space agency Roscosmos. The crew of the strategic missile system began operational operations.

Satan 2

The RS-28 Sarmat system (NATO reporting name: SS-30 Satan 2) was developed for the Russian Strategic Missile Forces. The ICBM, which replaced the old R-36M, is capable of evading missile defenses thanks to the climbing speed, and can carry up to 15 nuclear warheads (MIRV) or 24 Avangard hypersonic vehicles (MARV) into the suborbital region. The Sarmat has a range of approx 18,000km.

Speed ​​20 times faster than sound

Putin himself praised the new weapon after the tests: “It can penetrate any current and future missile defense system and will make those who threaten us think twice.” The project dates back to 2008, Tests began in 2015. The rocket is more than 35 meters long and weighs more than 200 tons. The speed is 20 times as much soundThe possible range of action would be 18,000 kilometers and penetrate missile defenses.

The first tests in 2022

The Sarmat RS-28 carrier was tested in April 2022 in an event watched live by President Putin, who then said it should be operational by the end of last year at a base in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, in the Central Siberia region, then there was one Delay. In fact, it was expected that the first Sarmat would enter service at the end of 2022. But not until February 2023, The head of the Russian Kremlin announced that the complex “with a new heavy missile” would soon be ready for use. Since the beginning of the war, Putin has repeatedly stated that Russia is ready for this use all means, including nuclear weapons, to defend its “territorial integrity”.