“Intense bombing in Donbass continues,” Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk said on Tuesday. She accused Russia of failing to provide a humanitarian corridor for civilians towards Berdyansk, in the particularly difficult port city of Mariupol, despite requests.
“We are continuing the difficult negotiations on the opening of humanitarian corridors in the Kherson and Kharkiv regions,” Vereshchuk wrote on his news channel on the social network Telegram. Authorities recently complained in several cities in eastern Ukraine that they could no longer take people from contested areas to safety due to the risk of bombing.
seven weeks war
More recently, nearly 1,500 people arrived in safe areas via these routes on Saturday. Russia has been waging a war of aggression against Ukraine for more than seven weeks. According to the United Nations, around five million people have fled the country. Several million are on the run in the country. At the same time, more and more people are returning to the country.#
No water, no pharmacies
“There are now around 100,000 people living in Mariupol, they don’t have food, water, pharmacies and it’s not possible to evacuate citizens because the Russians have also cut humanitarian corridors. Now we ask them to at least save the wounded, but they refused because they want to use civilians as shields for their soldiers, for their troops, said the mayor of the Ukrainian city of Melitopol, who met with Pope Francis at the Vatican on Holy Saturday. . Have.