Ukraine promises sweeping personnel changes as allies jostle for tanks

Ukraine promises sweeping personnel changes as allies jostle for tanks – Portal

  • Zelenskyy promises changes amid corruption scandal
  • Poland plans to send Leopard tanks to Ukraine
  • Germany hints at approval of tank export as allies exert pressure

Kyiv, Jan 24 (Portal) – Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said personnel changes at both higher and lower levels were being implemented after the most high-profile allegations of bribery since Russia’s invasion threatened to dampen Western enthusiasm for the Kyiv government.

Reports of a new scandal in Ukraine, which has a long history of shaky governance, come as European countries squabble over giving Kyiv German-made Leopard 2 tanks – the workhorse of armies across Europe from which Ukraine says she needs it to break through the Russian lines and retake territory.

“There are already personnel decisions — some today, some tomorrow — on officials at various levels in ministries and other central government structures, as well as in the regions and in law enforcement,” Zelenskyy said in his nightly video address on Monday.

Zelenskyy, who did not name the officials to be replaced, said his plans include stricter oversight of foreign travel for official duties.

Several Ukrainian media have reported that cabinet members and senior officials could be fired immediately.

On Sunday, anti-corruption police said they had arrested the deputy infrastructure minister on suspicion of receiving a $400,000 bribe payment to import generators in September last year, an allegation the minister denies.

A newspaper investigation accused the Department of Defense of overpaying suppliers for soldiers’ food. The supplier said he made a technical error and no money changed hands.

David Arakhamia, leader of Zelenskyi’s Servant of the People party, said officials should “focus on the war, help victims, cut bureaucracy and stop dubious deals.”

“We will definitely be actively detaining this spring. If the humane approach doesn’t work, we will do it in accordance with martial law,” he said.

“Spring will be decisive”

At the front, the front lines have largely been frozen for the past two months, despite heavy casualties on both sides.

Ukraine says Western tanks would give its ground forces the firepower to breach Russian defenses and continue its advance. But Western allies were unable to reach an agreement on arming Kiev with tanks, fearing measures that could escalate Moscow.

Berlin, which must authorize Leopard’s re-export, has said it is ready to act quickly if there is consensus among allies.

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, whose country borders Ukraine, said Warsaw will seek permission to send Leopard tanks to Kyiv and is trying to bring others on board.

Germany is not blocking the re-export of Leopard tanks to Ukraine, the European Union’s top diplomat said on Monday.

American lawmakers have urged their administration to export M1 Abrams main battle tanks to Ukraine, saying even a token number would help persuade European allies to do the same.

Great Britain has announced that it will deliver 14 Challenger 2 tanks. French President Emmanuel Macron said he does not rule out the possibility of sending Leclerc tanks.

Moscow tried to exert its own pressure.

“All countries that are directly or indirectly involved in pumping arms into Ukraine and increasing its technological level bear the responsibility for the continuation of the conflict,” said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov.

Both Ukraine and Russia are believed to be planning spring offensives to break the deadlock in what has become a war of attrition in eastern and southern Ukraine.

“If the major Russian offensive planned for this period fails, it will spell ruin for Russia and Putin,” Vadym Skibitsky, deputy head of Ukraine’s military intelligence service, said in an interview with news site Delfi.

One person was killed and two wounded in a Russian shelling on Monday in a residential area of ​​the city of Khasiv Yar, which damaged at least nine high-rise buildings, Pavlo Kyrylenko, governor of the Donetsk region, said on Telegram.

“The Russians terrorize and deliberately kill the civilian population. And they will pay dearly for that,” he said.

Portal could not independently verify battlefield reports.


In the 11 months since invading Ukraine, Russia has shifted its war rhetoric from an operation to “denazify” and “demilitarize” its neighbor to one of defense against an aggressive West. Kyiv and its western allies call it an unprovoked act of aggression.

On Monday, the new general in charge of Russia’s military operations in Ukraine warned that modern Russia has never experienced such an “intensity of military hostilities,” forcing it to engage in offensive operations.

“Today, our country and its armed forces are taking action against the entire collective West,” Chief of Staff Valery Gerasimov told the Argumenty i Fakty news website.

Military reforms announced in mid-January could be adjusted to respond to threats to Russia’s security, including aspirations by Sweden and Finland to join NATO and “the use of Ukraine as a tool to wage a hybrid war against our country,” he said .

Ukraine imposed sanctions on 22 Russians linked to the Russian Orthodox Church for what President Zelenskyy said supported genocide under the guise of religion.

Reporting by Portal bureaus; Writing by Costas Pitas and Himani Sarkar; Adaptation by Stephen Coates

Our standards: The Thomson Portal Trust Principles.