Ukraine, Putin: Moscow must consider NATO’s nuclear capabilities, they want to destroy us

The Kremlin leader explained in an interview that the West wants to divide Russia in order to bring it under its control. “They have one goal – the destruction of the former Soviet Union and its main part, the Russian Federation. And then maybe they will include us in the so-called family of civilized peoples,” he said. And again: “The NATO countries are, albeit indirectly, complicit in the crimes of the Kiev regime”

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Russia has no choice but to consider NATO’s nuclear capabilities. This, as Tass reports, was said by Russian President Vladimir Putin. “They are trying to destroy us,” he added. And he explained that the West wants to split the Russian Federation in order to bring it under their control: “The West has only one goal: to liquidate the Russian Federation”. Putin also accused NATO of actual involvement in the war by supplying arms to the Ukrainian armed forces: “They (NATO) are sending $10 billion worth of arms to Ukraine. This is de facto involvement (in the conflict)” (WAR IN UKRAINE: THE SPECIAL – LIVE UPDATES).

Putin: “NATO States Complicit in Kiev’s Crimes”

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In an interview with the Russia 1 TV channel, the Kremlin leader stated: “The NATO countries are complicit, albeit indirectly, in the crimes of the Kiev regime.” He added that Kiev “is shelling residential areas in Novorossiya and Donetsk, among others.”

“The West has one goal: to dissolve the Russian Federation”

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Then the attack on the West. “The West has one goal – to dissolve the former USSR and the Russian Federation. He aspires to divide Russia into small separate parts, to bring it under his control,” Putin said. “They have one goal – to dismantle the former USSR and its main part, the Russian Federation. And then, perhaps, they will include us in the so-called family of civilized peoples, but only individually, each part individually. And why that? ? at will and put them under their control,” he repeated. But, Putin added, the Russian people could not survive a dissolution of the Russian Federation if its individual parts were placed under Western control. In fact, according to the President, the unity of the Russian nation is the key to its successes. “The Russian people are second to none when they stick together and are united,” he said.

“We are against a world that only considers US interests”

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During the interview, Putin also said: We, as Russia, “reject the construction of a new world that only takes into account the interests of the United States of America.” He added that he has never opposed the idea that the world needs to change and that the potential of the Russian Federation today is different from the Soviet Union’s past. “We understand that and agree that the world should change,” he said, noting that Moscow never rejects changes of this kind, including at the United Nations, and is considering how it can be reformed. But another thing, according to Putin, is a world subservient to “only American interests.”

There dumathe lower house of the Russian parliament approved There suspension of nuclear treaty Fresh Start (New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty). An election that was already announced by the Russian President on February 21 Vladimir Putin during the State of the Union address. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Russia is ready resume Participation in the contract “as soon as there is a willingness to consider it Issue” from Moscow. “Everything will depend on the position of the West”

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The contract was signed in Prague onApril 8, 2010 until then US President Barack Obama and the Russian Dmitry Medvedev. It came into effect on February 5, 2011 and was extended for the first time by 5 years in February 2016 and a second time in February 2021. The expected deadline was therefore for the 2026. Now let’s see what the reboot which replaced the two previous agreements Start 1 and 2 (the latter never came into force) and the Moscow Agreement of 2002 (Sort), which expired in 2012

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NUCLEAR WARS: Limit of 1,550 nuclear warheads deployed within 7 years of treaty entry into force following respective ratifications. It affected warheads mounted on ICBMs, submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs), and the number of bombers available with one warhead each. This was a 74% decrease compared to the Start 1 agreement and a 30% decrease compared to the 2002 Moscow Treaty

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