Ukraine Russia Kiev preparing attack quotWe are readyquot

Ukraine Russia, Kiev preparing attack: "We are ready"

“Everything is ready”. Ukraine’s preparations for the planned spring offensive to recapture the areas occupied by Russia in the war that began in February 2022 are “in the final phase”. It is the message delivered by Kyiv’s Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov in early May that could be decisive in the conflict. “I have faith in them – he declared, referring to his troops – much has been done to ensure their success”.

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“As of today we can say that we are on the home stretch and that, yes, everything is ready – Reznikov then underlined, speaking of the counteroffensive – then the General Staff, the Commander-in-Chief and his team will decide how, where and when on the basis of decision making and understanding of the situation on the battlefield”. In conclusion, the minister said that he, like Ukraine’s international partners, is convinced of the success of the operation, a success that “is in the interest of the security of their countries and their peoples”.

RAID RUSSIA – Reznikov’s words come after Russia’s umpteenth rocket attack that killed 3 and wounded 40 civilians. At least 34 people were injured in the Dnipropetrovsk region, according to the region’s governor Serghi Lysak, who said the Pavlohrad region was affected. Five children were among the wounded.

In total, the Moscow Armed Forces “conducted 27 airstrikes and 45 MLRS (multiple rocket launcher) launches against Ukrainian troop positions and inhabited areas, killing and injuring civilians”.

According to local authorities in the Dnipropetrovsk region, at least 34 were injured, including 5 children. Apartments, schools and shops are said to have been hit in Pavlohrad. One person was killed and three injured in the Kherson region controlled by Ukrainian forces. Kiev would also have been the target of the attack, but the capital’s defenses have neutralized missiles and drones: there are no casualties in Kiev, no damage to buildings and infrastructure. According to Ukrainian military leaders, 15 of the 18 cruise missiles launched by Russia were intercepted and destroyed.

“The Russian invaders will receive our reply to every such attack. No chance for the Russian occupiers on our land! Only destruction for the enemy,” said Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in the usual evening speech

“Chernihiv, Lyzunivka village. There, a bomb dropped by a Russian plane destroyed another Ukrainian school. Unfortunately, this attack took the life of a teenager, a boy born in 2009 … 14 years old! Yes, there was a school in the immediate vicinity – said Zelenskyy, enumerating the consequences of the attacks – Pavlohrad, Dnipropetrovsk region The terrorists’ rockets killed two people, boys… Another forty people – women, children and men – were killed Injuries Medical and Trauma”.

The Russian Defense Ministry has claimed responsibility for the raids, claiming they attacked military installations, including arms depots and ammunition factories. All designated targets were hit, the ministry said in a statement, which said “high-precision naval and air forces were deployed against Ukrainian military-industrial facilities.” “The objectives of the raids were achieved – said the Ministry of Defense – the work of enterprises producing ammunition, weapons and military equipment was destroyed.” Reports are now coming in from Crimea about a drone attack carried out and neutralized by Ukraine.

DEAD RUSSIA – Over 100,000 dead and wounded among Russian forces in Ukraine since last December. The number was given by White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby, which said there would be more than 20,000 dead, half of whom came from within the Wagner group, based on intelligence information from the United States.

WAGNER – The town of Bakhmut in eastern Ukraine continues to play a central role in the war, confronting troops from Kiev and troops from Moscow, aided by Wagner’s mercenaries. Yevgeny Prigozhin, head of the militia company, insists in his request to the Russian Defense Ministry to increase ammunition supplies for its fighters fighting for Bakhmut. In a video published on his Telegram channel, the leader of the Wagner group said he needed at least 300 tons of artillery shells a day to attack the eastern Ukrainian city.

“Three hundred tons a day is the equivalent of 10 shipping containers, not much… But we’re supplied with no more than a third,” Prigozhin said as he inspected crates of guns at a warehouse he said was in the town of Soledar. in the northeast of Bachmut.

In a previous video, Prigozhin said in front of a destroyed building in Soledar that May Day is the anniversary of Wagner’s founding and that if the group is to die, “it’s not in the hands of the Ukrainian army or NATO, it’s because of ours.” illegitimate national bureaucrats”. Prigozhin has repeatedly blamed the Russian Defense Ministry for its handling of the war in Ukraine and the lack of provisions for its men.