Ukraine Russia, the latest news on Putin’s war today, December 3rd

Kiev Mayor Vitaly Klitschko has once again criticized Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. “People wonder why we weren’t better prepared for this war, why Zelensky denied until the end that something like this would happen, or why the Russians managed to reach Kiev so quickly. There was too much information that did not correspond to reality.” “The President has an important function today and we must support him until the end of the war. But at the end of this war, every politician will pay for his successes or failures” , he added. Zelensky’s popularity is declining because “people see who is effective and who is not.” And there were and are a lot of expectations, and Zelensky must pay for the mistakes he made. In the Ukrainian city has Russian artillery, meanwhile, destroyed two houses and killed a civilian in Chasiv Yar, in Donetsk, just five kilometers from the martyred city of Bakhmut, where fighting has been going on for months. This was announced by the Ukrainian Interior Ministry. In the same region, fierce fighting continues for Avdiivka, where Russian forces attempted Ukrainian troops, meanwhile, shot down ten of the twelve Shahed-136/131 drones launched by Russia during the night. The Air Force reported, adding that the drones were launched from the Russian Federation port city of Primorsko. Akhtarsk, in the south of the Krasnodar Territory.\n\n




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“,”postId”:”4076b007-319c-4f4a-906b-c88f758ad900″}],”posts”:[{“timestamp”:”2023-12-03T22:55:00.628Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-03T23:55:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Questo liveblog finisce qui”,”content”:”

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“,”postId”:”cb2a85a8-8c1b-4a28-b2fd-2f2954a6889b”},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-03T22:40:00.625Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-03T23:40:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Per ricevere le notizie di Sky TG24:”,”content”:”


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“,”postId”:”7d764b0b-0263-4cc9-a1ab-dded0c6f8d25″},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-03T22:20:00.809Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-03T23:20:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Ucraina, la guerra colpisce gli anziani con isolamento e povertà”,”content”:”

Un report di Amnesty International spiega che le  persone più in là con l’età sono fortemente colpite dal conflitto. Il  loro è uno stato di vulnerabilità crescente, dovuto anche  all’emigrazione o al reclutamento dei giovani. L’APPROFONDIMENTO

“,”postId”:”5fa089df-5fb4-4162-ae45-1e9fba7f3740″},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-03T22:00:00.061Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-03T23:00:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Zaporizhzhia, Aiea: faremo possibile per impedire incidente nucleare”,”content”:”

Secondo il presidente dell’agenzia atomica ucraina Energoatom, Petro  Kotin, la centrale nucleare di Zaporizhzhia è stata \”sull’orlo di un  incidente nucleare e radioattivo\” a causa di un blackout completo  dell’impianto, risolto questa mattina. Il capo dello staff di Zelensky,  Andriy Yermak ha promesso che in tempi brevi potrebbe riaprire  l’aeroporto della capitale ucraina. Mentre l’invasione russa continua,  le persone anziane con disabilità sfollate non riescono a ottenere cure e  alloggi adeguati. LEGGI L’ARTICOLO

“,”postId”:”457f4d3a-ca10-4f02-90e8-762797a25adc”},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-03T21:30:00.317Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-03T22:30:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Guerra in Ucraina, Putin ordina l’aumento del numero dei militari del 15%”,”content”:”

Saranno  170mila le persone che si uniranno alle forze armate di Mosca.   L’organico a disposizione del Cremlino è ora fissato a 2.209.130   individui, di cui 1.320.000 militari. Nel decreto si spiega   che \”l’aumento dell’organico a tempo pieno dell’esercito è dovuto alle   crescenti minacce\” legate alla guerra in Ucraina e ai rapporti sempre   più tesi con la Nato. LEGGI L’ARTICOLO

“,”postId”:”8794626d-ca6c-46bd-8c4c-65c42702259a”},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-03T21:00:00.929Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-03T22:00:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Ucraina: avvelenata la moglie del capo degli 007 di Kiev, Marianna Budanova”,”content”:”

Alla donna, 30 anni, è stato diagnosticato un avvelenamento da metalli  pesanti. \”Queste sostanze non vengono utilizzate in alcun modo nella  vita quotidiana e negli affari militari\”, hanno detto alcune fonti. COSA SAPPIAMO

“,”postId”:”ab0a251d-4b99-4008-acb7-b6195564cf46″},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-03T20:44:23.911Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-03T21:44:23+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Zelensky: si lavora a nuovi pacchetti aiuti militari dai partner”,”content”:”

\”Ci stiamo già preparando per la prossima settimana, che senza dubbio rafforzerà il nostro Paese, in particolare le capacità del nostro complesso militare-industriale\”. Lo annuncia su X il presidente ucraino Volodymyr Zelensky. \”Stiamo lavorando con i nostri partner su nuovi pacchetti di aiuti militari e ci prepariamo a rafforzare ulteriormente la nostra difesa aerea, che rimane la nostra immutata priorità – prosegue Zelensky -. E risponderemo anche al terrore degli occupanti contro il nostro popolo. Rispondiamo sempre\”. 

“,”social”:{“socialType”:”twitter”,”src”:”″,”cookieAllowed”:true},”postId”:”4368f35a-0ce4-4222-a75e-4cf96ee41ff6″},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-03T20:30:00.166Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-03T21:30:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Ucraina nella Nato, Stoltenberg: \”Traguardo più vicino che mai\””,”content”:”

Le parole del segretario generale arrivano alla vigilia della ministeriale  Esteri. “Continueremo a sostenerla nell’attuazione delle riforme  necessarie nel suo percorso verso l’adesione”. LEGGI QUI

“,”postId”:”bd33d73e-ce43-4d6d-b27e-7ef2d2118689″},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-03T20:00:00.692Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-03T21:00:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Guerra in Ucraina, quali sono i trucchi della Russia per proteggersi dagli attacchi”,”content”:”

La controffensiva di Kiev preoccupa Mosca: come ha rilevato Sky News Uk i  russi hanno iniziato a ricorrere a stratagemmi risalenti alla Prima  guerra mondiale, come disegnare gli aerei sulle piste o dipingere le  navi bicolore, per cercare di proteggere il più possibile i propri  mezzi. Non è detto però che funzionino: l’Ucraina ha i mezzi per  riuscire a capire i bluff. I TRUCCHI

“,”postId”:”9e13ef80-bdcf-4651-988a-d99f0a584484″},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-03T19:30:00.733Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-03T20:30:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Ucraina, la guerra Israele-Hamas può ridurre il rifornimento di armi? I dati di Usa e Ue”,”content”:”

Mentre  Mosca e Kiev si scambiano l’accusa di aver aiutato Hamas ad attaccare  gli israeliani, Washington e Bruxelles si interrogano sul da farsi: un  eventuale rifornimento a Gerusalemme porrebbe in serio rischio quello  all’Ucraina, visto che americani ed europei faticano a raggiungere la  produzione richiesta dal governo di Zelensky. La produzione di armi di  Usa e Ue è stata uno dei temi al centro di una puntata di “Numeri”, il  programma di Sky TG24. TUTTI I DATI

“,”postId”:”e75341e4-b026-4016-b0e7-f35f3034baf2″},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-03T19:00:00.098Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-03T20:00:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Russia, esteso fino al 30 gennaio l’arresto del reporter del Wsj Evan Gershkovich”,”content”:”

Lo ha deciso un tribunale russo, estendendo così la detenzione del  giornalista per la terza volta da marzo, cioè da quando il 32enne è  sotto custodia con l’accusa di spionaggio. Accusa che lo stesso  giornalista, la testata americana ed il governo degli Stati Uniti negano  con decisione. LEGGI L’ARTICOLO

“,”postId”:”9e8b69c2-224c-4ce3-82f2-3ac1e22c3d31″},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-03T18:30:00.635Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-03T19:30:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Russia, esteso fino al 30 gennaio l’arresto del reporter del Wsj Evan Gershkovich”,”content”:”

Il timore è che il conflitto in Medio Oriente distolga l’attenzione e il  sostegno militare ed economico dell’Occidente da Kiev. Gli Stati Uniti  si dicono però determinati a supportare entrambi i Paesi, e  rassicurazioni a Volodymyr Zelensky sono arrivate anche dal summit della  Nato. Fra i possibili problemi la fornitura di sistemi anti missile  Patriot, la cui richiesta se dovesse aumentare sarebbe difficile da  soddisfare. L’ANALISI

“,”postId”:”7da214ab-d63f-42a1-8d92-55d19dc7f954″},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-03T18:15:00.802Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-03T19:15:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Klitschko critica Zelensky: ‘Meno popolare perchè paga errori’ “,”content”:”

La popolarità di Volodymyr Zelensky è in calo perché \”le persone vedono chi è efficace e chi no. E le aspettative erano e sono tante e Zelensky sta pagando per gli errori commessi\”. Ad affermarlo è il sindaco di Kiev Vitaly Klitschko, che in un’intervista al quotidiano svizzero 20 Minuten è tornato a criticare il presidente ucraino. \”La gente si chiede come mai non eravamo meglio preparati per questa guerra, come mai Zelensky abbia negato fino alla fine che ciò sarebbe accaduto, o perché i russi siano riusciti a raggiungere Kiev così rapidamente. C’erano troppe informazioni che non corrispondevano alla realtà\”, ha affermato il sindaco. \”Il presidente oggi ha una funzione importante e dobbiamo sostenerlo fino alla fine della guerra. Ma alla fine di questa guerra ogni politico pagherà per i suoi successi o i suoi fallimenti\”, ha aggiunto. In merito alle sue ambizioni politiche per la presidenza ucraina, Klitschko ha in ogni caso sottolineato che \”sarebbe stupido pensarci oggi\”, quando \”l’unica domanda è se l’Ucraina continuerà ad esistere\” e \”lottiamo per la nostra libertà e indipendenza\”. In merito alla situazione al fronte, il sindaco ha affermato che il comandante delle forze armate ucraine Valery Zaluzhny \”ha detto la verità\” quando in una controversa intervista ha definito la guerra in una situazione di stallo. \”Naturalmente possiamo mentire euforicamente alla nostra gente e ai nostri partner. Ma non possiamo farlo per sempre\”. (ANSA). 



“,”postId”:”1f3b12e8-f51c-4c3b-b0ad-85099df6cd5d”},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-03T18:00:00.441Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-03T19:00:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Ucraina, ucciso consigliere del capo delle forze armate: ordigno tra regali di compleanno”,”content”:”

Gennady  Chastyakov, stretto consigliere di Valery Zaluzhny, comandante in capo  delle forze armate di Kiev, è stato ucciso oggi in un’esplosione. Sulla  sua morte sarà aperta \”un’indagine preliminare\”. LA VICENDA

“,”postId”:”88c8ee93-6547-4d19-a0be-c97d4951673b”},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-03T17:43:11.572Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-03T18:43:11+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Russia, protestò in diretta tv contro la guerra: giornalista Ovsyannikova condannata”,”content”:”

L’ex redattrice di Channel One era diventata famosa per aver fatto irruzione  durante un telegiornale con un cartello con le scritte \”Fermate la  guerra\” e \”Ti stanno mentendo\”. La giornalista, che un anno fa ha  lasciato il Paese ed ora si trova in Francia, è stata processata in  contumacia per aver diffuso notizie false sul conflitto in Ucraina. LEGGI L’ARTICOLO

“,”postId”:”fa3777f2-e460-43d0-aef8-b8ef8d378253″},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-03T15:10:00.690Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-03T16:10:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Meloni: pieno sostegno Kiev per garantire libertà”,”content”:”

\”Abbiamo parlato della guerra di aggressione russa all’Ucraina. Conoscete la posizione italiana. Continuiamo a sostenere a 360 gradi l’Ucraina per garantire la sua liberta’ e sovranita’\”. Lo ha detto la presidente del Consiglio, Giorgia Meloni, nelle dichiarazioni congiunte a Belgrado dopo l’incontro con il presidente serbo Aleksandar Vucic. 

\n”,”postId”:”c66ec75c-bce8-4757-9311-63a4c535cf64″},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-03T13:30:01.360Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-03T14:30:01+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Klitschko contro Zelensky: ‘Sia onesto e ammetta i propri errori'”,”content”:”

Il sindaco di Kiev Vitali Klitschko ha lanciato un attacco al presidente ucraino Volodymyr Zelensky in un’intervista al notiziario svizzero 20 Minuten trasmesso sia in Russia che in Ucraina. \”La gente si chiede perché non fossimo meglio preparati per questa guerra. Perché Zelensky ha negato fino alla fine che si sarebbe arrivati ​​a questo\”, ha detto Klitschko nell’intervista.\”C’erano troppe informazioni che non corrispondevano alla realtà\”, ha detto il 52enne ex campione mondiale di boxe, accusando il presidente di \”errori\” e chiedendo onestà riguardo alla reale situazione dell’Ucraina dopo l’invasione russa. \”Zelensky sta pagando per gli errori che ha commesso\”, ha affermato Klitschko. \”Naturalmente possiamo mentire al nostro popolo e ai nostri partner, ma non si può farlo per sempre\”, ha aggiunto, offrendo allo stesso tempo un chiaro appoggio al capo di stato maggiore ucraino, il generale Valery Zaluzhny, che un mese fa era stato criticato per aver detto che la guerra era arrivata ad una situazione di stallo. \”Ha detto la verità\”, ha dichiarato Klitschko nell’intervista. \”A volte le persone non vogliono sentire la verità. Ha spiegato e giustificato qual è la situazione attuale\”.

\n”,”postId”:”48a9c2de-ab82-47e5-8e60-b0ef2cd58023″},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-03T12:55:46.806Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-03T13:55:46+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Ucraina: ‘va a incontrare Orban’, Sbu vieta a Poroshenko di lasciare il Paese”,”content”:”

Il servizio di sicurezza ucraino (Sbu) ha vietato all’ex presidente Petro Poroshenko di viaggiare all’estero, affermando di avere informazioni secondo cui intendeva incontrare il primo ministro ungherese Viktor Orban, che in un rapporto della Sbu è stato definito \”amico\” del presidente russo Vladimir Putin. A Poroshenko è stato annullato anche il permesso già rilasciato per un viaggio d’affari Stati Uniti. La Sbu ritiene che Mosca, tra le altre cose, intende sfruttare i possibili incontri dei politici ucraini con esponenti politici stranieri per promuovere narrazioni “sulla necessità di un processo negoziale con la Federazione Russa”. In questo contesto, la Sbu ha chiesto di prendere in considerazione un possibile incontro con Orban, che “esprime sistematicamente una posizione antiucraina, è un “amico di Putin” e chiede la revoca delle sanzioni contro la Russia”. 

\n”,”postId”:”4c750516-f212-4d8d-82c3-42a04cb04633″},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-03T12:20:08.322Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-03T13:20:08+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Kiev accusa Mosca di esecuzione soldati a mani alzate “,”content”:”

L’Ucraina ha accusato le forze armate russe impegnate nella guerra nel Paese di aver sparato a soldati ucraini che si erano presentati a mani alzate e disarmati, intenzionati ad arrendersi. I responsabili di Kiev hanno definito questa \”esecuzione\” un crimine di guerra, mentre Mosca non ha finora dato la sua versione dei fatti. Ieri su Telegram


e’ stato pubblicato un video, la cui autenticita’ pare


verificata, in cui due uomini escono da un rifugio, uno con le


mani sopra la testa, prima di sdraiarsi a terra di fronte a un


altro gruppo di soldati. Seguono quelli che sembrano essere


spari e fumo, prima che il video si interrompa bruscamente.


L’ufficio del pubblico ministero della regione ucraina orientale


di Donetsk ha dichiarato che, secondo \”dati preliminari\”, le


immagini sono state filmate nei pressi del villaggio di Stepove,


vicino ad Avdiivka, una citta’ orientale dove infuriano i


combattimenti. \”Il video mostra come un gruppo di persone in uniforme russa spari a distanza ravvicinata a due militari


disarmati in uniforme delle Forze Armate dell’Ucraina che si


sono arresi come prigionieri\”, ha scritto l’ufficio del


procuratore. \”Gli investigatori e i procuratori hanno avviato


un’indagine\”. \”L’uccisione di prigionieri di guerra e’ una grave


violazione delle Convenzioni di Ginevra ed e’ classificata come


un grave crimine internazionale\”. Il centro di comunicazione


strategica dell’esercito ucraino ha dichiarato sabato di essere in possesso di \”informazioni confermate\” secondo cui il video mostrava l’\”esecuzione\” da parte delle forze russe di \”soldati disarmati\” e il difensore civico ucraino per i diritti umani, Dmytro Lubinets, ha condannato l’incidente come \”crimine di guerra\”. 

“,”postId”:”1d168633-8edf-4cc7-a330-7330707a05e6″},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-03T12:14:59.290Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-03T13:14:59+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:” Poroshenko bloccato alla frontiera, doveva vedere Orban”,”content”:”

Le guardie di frontiera ucraine hanno impedito all’ex presidente Petro Poroshenko di lasciare il Paese venerdì perché aveva intenzione di incontrare il primo ministro ungherese Viktor Orban, hanno detto i servizi di sicurezza di Kiev (Sbu). Poroshenko, al potere dal 2014 al 2019, aveva programmato una serie di incontri di alto livello all’estero, ma venerdì ha detto che il suo viaggio doveva essere annullato perché era stato respinto alla frontiera.  In una dichiarazione, la Sbu ucraina ha affermato che l’ex leader è stato respinto a causa del suo incontro programmato con Orban, un leader dell’Ue criticato da Kiev per la sua posizione filo-russa. L’Sbu ha affermato che Orban \”esprime sistematicamente una posizione anti-ucraina\” e che Mosca intendeva utilizzare l’incontro \”nelle sue operazioni informative e psicologiche contro l’Ucraina\”. In risposta alla dichiarazione della Sbu, il portavoce del governo ungherese Zoltan Kovacs ha scritto su X che l’Ungheria \”non desidera svolgere alcun ruolo nelle lotte politiche interne del presidente Zelensky\”.

“,”postId”:”7862e258-775e-4b3b-867f-796f7d443e1a”}]}” query='{“live”:true,”configurationName”: “LIVEBLOG_CONTAINER_WIDGET”, “liveblogId”: “32787b56-5f79-4559-8d76-3cdf125f79d0”, “tenant”: “tg24”, “page”: 1, “limit”:20}’ >

Kiev Mayor Vitaly Klitschko has once again criticized Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. “People wonder why we weren’t better prepared for this war, why Zelensky denied until the end that it would happen, or why the Russians managed to reach Kiev so quickly. There was too much information that did not correspond to reality.” “The President has an important role today and we must support him until the end of the war. But at the end of this war, every politician will pay for his successes or failures,” he added. Zelensky’s popularity is decreasing because “people see who is effective and who is not.” And there were and are a lot of expectations, and Zelensky has to pay for the mistakes he made. Meanwhile, Russian artillery destroyed two houses and killed a civilian in the town of Khasiv Yar, in Donetsk, just five kilometers from the martyred city of Bakhmut, where fighting has been ongoing for months. This was announced by the Ukrainian Interior Ministry. In the same region, fierce fighting continues around Avdiivka, where Russian forces have been trying to break through for months. Ukrainian troops, meanwhile, shot down 10 of the 12 Shahed-136/131 drones launched by Russia overnight, the air force reported, adding that the drones were launched from the Russian port city of Primorsko-Akhtarsk, south of the Krasnodar region.


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3 minutes ago

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18 minutes ago

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38 minutes ago

In Ukraine, the war leads to isolation and poverty among the elderly

A report of Amnesty International says that older people have been severely affected by the conflict. Their situation is increasingly vulnerable, also due to the migration or recruitment of young people. THE INSIGHT

58 minutes ago

Zaporizhia, IAEA: We will do everything to prevent a nuclear accident

According to the president of the Ukrainian nuclear agency Energoatom, Petro Kotin, the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant was “on the verge of a nuclear and radioactive accident” due to a total failure at the power plant, which was repaired this morning. Zelensky’s chief of staff Andriy Yermak promised to reopen the Ukrainian capital’s airport soon. As the Russian invasion continues, displaced elderly people with disabilities cannot receive adequate care and housing. READ THE ARTICLE

10:30 p.m

War in Ukraine, Putin orders a 15% increase in the number of soldiers

170,000 people will join Moscow’s armed forces. The personnel available to the Kremlin is currently estimated at 2,209,130 ​​people, of which 1,320,000 are military personnel. The decree said that “the increase in the army’s full-time workforce is due to the growing threats” related to the war in Ukraine and increasingly tense relations with NATO. READ THE ARTICLE

22 O `clock

Ukraine: The wife of Kiev’s 007 boss Marianna Budanova was poisoned

The 30-year-old woman was diagnosed with heavy metal poisoning. “These substances are not used in any way in daily life or military affairs,” sources said. WHAT WE KNOW

9:44 p.m

Zelensky: Working on new military aid packages from partners

“We are already preparing for next week, which will undoubtedly strengthen our country, especially the capabilities of our military-industrial complex.” This was announced by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on X. “We are working with our partners on new military assistance packages and preparing to further strengthen our air defense, which remains our priority,” Zelensky continued. “And we will also respond to the occupiers’ terror against our people. We always respond.” ” .

9:30 p.m

Ukraine in NATO, Stoltenberg: “The goal is closer than ever”

The Secretary General’s words come on the eve of the foreign ministers’ meeting. “We will continue to support it in implementing the necessary reforms on the path to membership.” READ HERE

21 clock

War in Ukraine, what are Russia’s tricks to protect itself from attacks?

Kiev’s counteroffensive worries Moscow: As Sky News UK revealed, the Russians have started resorting to World War I stratagems, such as drawing planes on runways or painting ships two colors to protect their assets. However, it is not certain that they will work: Ukraine has the means to be able to understand the bluffs. THE TRICKS

8:30 p.m

Ukraine, can the war between Israel and Hamas reduce arms supplies? US and EU data

As Moscow and Kiev exchange accusations that they helped Hamas attack the Israelis, Washington and Brussels are wondering what to do: A possible shipment to Jerusalem would seriously jeopardize shipments to Ukraine as Americans and Europeans struggle to to achieve the required production by Zelensky’s government. US and EU arms production was one of the topics at the heart of an episode of Sky TG24’s ‘Numeri’ show. ALL DATA

8:00 pm

Russia extends the arrest of WSJ reporter Evan Gershkovich until January 30

A Russian court decided this, extending the journalist’s detention for the third time since March, when the 32-year-old has been in custody on espionage charges. An accusation that the journalist himself, the American newspaper and the US government firmly reject. READ THE ARTICLE

7:30 p.m

Russia extends the arrest of WSJ reporter Evan Gershkovich until January 30

There are fears that the conflict in the Middle East will divert Western attention and military and economic support from Kiev. However, the United States says it is committed to supporting both countries and Volodymyr Zelensky was also reassured by the NATO summit. Possible problems include the supply of Patriot missile defense systems, demand for which would be difficult to meet if it surges. THE ANALYSIS

7:15 p.m

Klitschko criticizes Zelensky: “Less popular because he pays for mistakes”

Volodymyr Zelensky’s popularity is declining because “people see who is effective and who is not. And there were and are many expectations and Zelensky is paying for the mistakes he made.” This was explained by the mayor of Kiev Vitaly Klitschko, who again expressed criticism of the Ukrainian president in an interview with the Swiss newspaper 20 Minutes. “People wonder why we weren’t better prepared for this war, why Zelensky denied until the end that it would happen, or why the Russians managed to reach Kiev so quickly. There was too much information that did not correspond to reality,” he said the mayor. “The President has an important role today and we must support him until the end of the war. But at the end of this war, every politician will pay for his successes or failures,” he added. In any case, regarding his political ambitions for the Ukrainian presidency, Klitschko emphasized that “it would be stupid to think about it today” when “the only question is whether Ukraine will continue to exist” and “we are fighting for our freedom and independence.” ” . Regarding the situation at the front, the mayor said that the commander of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Valery Zaluzhny, “told the truth” when he described the war as a stalemate in a controversial interview. “Of course we can euphoria our people and our partners lie. But we can’t do this forever.” (HANDLING).


7 p.m

Ukraine, Armed Forces Chief’s Adviser Killed: Bomb Amid Birthday Presents

Gennady Chastyakov, a close adviser to the commander-in-chief of the Kiev Armed Forces, Valery Zaluzhny, died in an explosion today. An “investigation” will be initiated into his death. THE HISTORY

6:43 p.m

Russia protested against the war live on television: journalist Ovsyannikova convicted

The former Channel One editor became famous for bursting into a newscast with a sign reading “Stop the war” and “You are being lied to.” The journalist, who left the country a year ago and is now in France, was tried in absentia for spreading false news about the conflict in Ukraine. READ THE ARTICLE

4:10 p.m

Melons: Full support for Kiev to ensure freedom

“We talked about the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. You know the Italian position. We continue to fully support Ukraine to guarantee its freedom and sovereignty,” Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said in joint statements in Belgrade after meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic.

2:30 p.m

Klitschko vs. Zelenskyy: “Be honest and admit your mistakes”

Kiev Mayor Vitali Klitschko launched an attack on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in an interview with the Swiss news program 20 Minutes, which is broadcast in both Russia and Ukraine. “People wonder why we weren’t better prepared for this war. Because Zelenskyy denied until the very end that it would come to that,” said Klitschko in the interview. “There was too much information that did not correspond to reality,” said the 52-year-old former world boxing champion, accusing the president of “mistakes” and demanding honesty about the real situation in Ukraine after the Russian invasion. “Zelenskyy is paying for the mistakes he made,” said Klitschko. “Of course we can lie to our people and our partners, but this cannot be done forever,” he added, while expressing clear support for the Ukrainian chief of staff, General Valery Zaluzhny, who was criticized a month ago for saying the war was stalled. “He told the truth,” Klitschko said in the interview. “Sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth. He explained and justified what the current situation is.”

1:55 p.m

Ukraine: “goes to meet Orban”, SBU refuses to allow Poroshenko to leave the country

Ukraine’s Security Service (SBU) has banned former President Petro Poroshenko from traveling abroad, saying he has information that he intends to meet with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, described in an SBU report as a “friend” of Russian President Vladimir Putin was described. Poroshenko’s approval for a business trip to the USA was also canceled. The SBU assumes that Moscow wants, among other things, to use possible meetings between Ukrainian politicians and foreign politicians to promote narratives “about the need for a negotiation process with the Russian Federation.” In this context, the SBU called for considering a possible meeting with Orban, who “systematically represents an anti-Ukrainian position, is a “friend of Putin” and calls for the lifting of sanctions against Russia.”

1:20 p.m

Kiev accuses Moscow of executing soldiers with their hands raised

Ukraine has accused Russian forces involved in the country’s war of shooting Ukrainian soldiers who appeared with their hands raised and unarmed and attempted to surrender. Those responsible in Kiev have classified this “execution” as a war crime, while Moscow has not yet issued a statement on the events. Yesterday on Telegram

A video was released whose authenticity is obvious

verified in which two men show up from an animal shelter, one with the

Hands over your head before lying on the floor in front of one

another group of soldiers. They follow what appears to be

Gunshots and smoke before the video abruptly ends.

The Prosecutor’s Office of the Eastern Ukraine Region

in Donetsk said that according to “preliminary data” the

The pictures were shot near the village of Stepove.

near Avdiivka, an eastern town where the

Battle. “The video shows a group of people in Russian uniforms shooting two soldiers at close range

unarmed in uniform of the Armed Forces of Ukraine who

will be handed over as prisoners,” the Supreme Court’s office wrote

Prosecutor. “Investigators and prosecutors have taken action

an investigation.” “The killing of prisoners of war is serious

Violation of the Geneva Conventions and is classified as

a serious international crime”. The communication center

The Ukrainian military’s strategic department said on Saturday it had “confirmed information” that the video showed the “execution” of “unarmed soldiers” by Russian forces, and Ukraine’s human rights ombudsman Dmytro Lubinets condemned the incident as a “war crime”. “.

1:14 p.m

Poroshenko was stuck at the border and had to see Orban

Ukrainian border guards prevented former President Petro Poroshenko from leaving the country on Friday because he was planning a meeting with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, Kyiv’s security services (SBU) said. Poroshenko, who was in power from 2014 to 2019, had planned a series of high-level meetings abroad but said on Friday his trip had to be canceled because he was turned back at the border. In a statement, Ukraine’s SBU said the former leader had been rejected for his planned meeting with Orban, an EU leader who has been criticized by Kiev for his pro-Russian stance. The SBU said that Orban “systematically expressed an anti-Ukrainian position” and that Moscow intended to use the meeting “for its information and psychological operations against Ukraine.” In response to the SBU statement, Hungarian government spokesman Zoltan Kovacs wrote in X that Hungary “does not want to play a role in President Zelensky’s internal political struggles.”