Ukraine Russia the latest news today December 11 about Putin39s

Ukraine Russia, the latest news today, December 11, about Putin's war. LIVE

The Ukrainian president is already in the US and will meet with Joe Biden at the White House tomorrow. “Russia’s war against Ukraine is actually a war against the entire free Europe,” he said in his speech from Washington, emphasizing that “Putin wants to divide Europe for the first time since the fall of the Berlin Wall.” \N


Ukraine has already approved “three of the four laws” that the European Commission called for to meet the demands in its report on the opening of accession negotiations, and the last remaining law has been submitted to parliament. “It is proof of our commitment, we have done our homework and now we expect the EU to honor its commitments. Otherwise it would be devastating for Ukraine and the European Union, because it would send the message that the Union is not capable of making historic decisions.” This was said by Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba.


Ukraine shot down eight Russian missiles heading towards Kiev, the Ukrainian military said, while local authorities reported injuries.




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“,”postId”:”1a1cc23c-a464-4aac-80f1-e3e3e147fd01″}],”posts”:[{“timestamp”:”2023-12-11T22:58:00.738Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-11T23:58:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Questo liveblog finisce qui”,”content”:”

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“,”postId”:”7f1f16ae-eb49-428b-933e-9c5b3347f421″},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-11T22:39:00.334Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-11T23:39:00+0100″,”video”:{“videoId”:”883732″,”videoPageUrl”:”″},”altBackground”:true,”postId”:”d78f1fc1-538c-49d4-91a0-ec1378bac5e9″},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-11T22:20:00.054Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-11T23:20:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Guerra in Ucraina, Putin ordina l’aumento del numero dei militari del 15%”,”content”:”

Saranno 170mila le persone che si uniranno alle forze armate di Mosca. L’organico a disposizione del Cremlino è ora fissato a 2.209.130 individui, di cui 1.320.000 militari. Nel decreto si spiega che \”l’aumento dell’organico a tempo pieno dell’esercito è dovuto alle crescenti minacce\” legate alla guerra in Ucraina e ai rapporti sempre più tesi con la Nato. LEGGI L’ARTICOLO

\n”,”postId”:”18a00065-d864-4712-a72b-b6a4644951fc”},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-11T22:06:00.244Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-11T23:06:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Russia, esteso fino al 30 gennaio l’arresto del reporter del Wsj Evan Gershkovich”,”content”:”

Lo ha deciso un tribunale russo, estendendo così la detenzione del   giornalista per la terza volta da marzo, cioè da quando il 32enne è   sotto custodia con l’accusa di spionaggio. Accusa che lo stesso giornalista, la testata americana ed il governo degli Stati Uniti  negano  con decisione. LEGGI L’ARTICOLO

\n”,”postId”:”573a57ac-e093-4cb5-9ddb-1664c39efb5d”},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-11T21:47:00.820Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-11T22:47:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Aiea: faremo possibile per impedire incidente nucleare a Zaporizhzhia”,”content”:”

Secondo  il presidente dell’agenzia atomica ucraina Energoatom, Petro  Kotin, la  centrale nucleare di Zaporizhzhia è stata \”sull’orlo di un  incidente  nucleare e radioattivo\” a causa di un blackout completo  dell’impianto,  risolto questa mattina. Il capo dello staff di Zelensky,  Andriy Yermak  ha promesso che in tempi brevi potrebbe riaprire  l’aeroporto della  capitale ucraina. Mentre l’invasione russa continua,  le persone anziane  con disabilità sfollate non riescono a ottenere cure e  alloggi  adeguati. LEGGI L’ARTICOLO

\n”,”postId”:”0ac83589-fce4-46c9-bc4e-86658e2ef07c”},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-11T21:28:00.620Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-11T22:28:00+0100″,”video”:{“videoId”:”885746″,”videoPageUrl”:”″},”altBackground”:true,”postId”:”6e608855-39ac-47f5-95cd-fa958d0c6d5b”},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-11T21:04:00.446Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-11T22:04:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Joschka Fischer: \”Più armi nucleari in Europa di fronte alla minaccia di Putin\””,”content”:”

Lo ha detto alla Zeit l’ex ministro degli affari esteri della Germania e  vice-cancelliere nei due governi di Gerhard Schröder dal 1998 al 2005,  oltre che membro di spicco dei Verdi. Di fronte al “ricatto nucleare di  Putin” sarebbe necessario che l’Ue abbia “un proprio deterrente  atomico”, ha spiegato. LEGGI L’ARTICOLO

\n”,”postId”:”e36bff8b-d574-4dd6-a385-5fb296824caa”},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-11T20:54:31.251Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-11T21:54:31+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Pentagono: ‘Impegni Usa devono essere onorati e parola data va mantenuta'”,”content”:”

Il segretario alla Difesa americano Lloyd Austin ha riaffermato l’impegno degli Stati Uniti a sostenere l’Ucraina contro l’invasione russa. E lo ha fatto durante la visita del presidente ucraino Volodymyr Zelensky a Washington. \”Siamo determinati a mostrare al mondo che l’America non si tirerà indietro nella difesa della libertà\”, ha detto Austin durante un discorso in un’università militare. Mentre il Congresso degli Stati Uniti discute sulla concessione di ulteriori aiuti militari, Austin ha avvertito: \”Gli impegni dell’America devono essere onorati, la sicurezza dell’America deve essere difesa e la parola data dell’America deve essere mantenuta\”.


Zelensky ha affermato che il presidente russo Vladimir Putin non sta solo combattendo contro l’Ucraina ma sta prendendo di mira un’Europa libera e unita. Non sta solo distruggendo la vita delle persone nelle città ucraine: il suo vero obiettivo è la democrazia e la libertà, ha detto. \”Sta diffondendo questa ideologia, cercando alleati anche qui in America. La sua arma contro di voi in questo momento è la propaganda e la disinformazione\”, ha detto Zelensky sottolineando che l’Ucraina non rinuncerà a difendersi: \”Sappiamo cosa fare. E tu puoi contare sull’Ucraina e speriamo altrettanto di poter contare su di te\”. \”Quando il mondo libero esita, è allora che le dittature festeggiano\”, ha avvertito Zelensky. Domani il presidente dell’Ucraina sarà ricevuto alla Casa Bianca dal presidente degli Stati Uniti Joe Biden e dovrebbe incontrare anche i membri del Congresso, tra cui il presidente della Camera, il Repubblicano Mike Johnson. È la terza visita di Zelensky a Washington dall’inizio dell’invasione russa dell’Ucraina.

“,”postId”:”94d057be-471d-4703-8298-78cc6b9607b4″},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-11T20:45:00.511Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-11T21:45:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Avvelenata la moglie del capo degli 007 di Kiev, Marianna Budanova”,”content”:”

Alla donna, 30 anni, è stato diagnosticato un avvelenamento da metalli   pesanti. \”Queste sostanze non vengono utilizzate in alcun modo nella   vita quotidiana e negli affari militari\”, hanno detto alcune fonti. COSA SAPPIAMO

\n”,”postId”:”e1c26d12-fbb2-4f17-8e75-422036c01528″},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-11T20:35:00.701Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-11T21:35:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Russia bombarda l’oblast di Sumy, oltre 70 esplosioni”,”content”:”

Le forze russe hanno bombardato oggi l’area di confine dell’oblast di Sumy 18 volte, per un totale di 70 esplosioni registrate nella regione. Lo riferisce ‘Ukrainska Pravda’ che cita l’amministrazione militare dell’Oblast’ di Sumy su Facebook.

“,”postId”:”1317f51f-3bcc-4bf4-8590-7fe08a8bcacb”},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-11T20:30:00.145Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-11T21:30:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Media ucraini: ‘Allarme aereo a Odessa, sentite esplosioni’ “,”content”:”

I residenti locali della regione ucraina di Odessa hanno sentito delle esplosioni nel distretto di Odessa. Nell’aerea le autorità ucraina avevano diramato un allarme aereo. Lo riportano media ucraini come Rbc Ucraina e Suspilne. Le fonti ufficiali non hanno ancora confermato le esplosioni né ne hanno indicato le cause, ma hanno invitato i residenti della zona a rimanere nei rifugi fino alla fine del raid aereo. 

“,”postId”:”67f1814c-28fa-438a-95b1-a09f0d469453″},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-11T20:22:00.391Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-11T21:22:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Ucraina, la guerra Israele-Hamas può ridurre il rifornimento di armi? I dati di Usa e Ue”,”content”:”

Mentre  Mosca e Kiev si scambiano l’accusa di aver aiutato Hamas ad  attaccare  gli israeliani, Washington e Bruxelles si interrogano sul da  farsi: un  eventuale rifornimento a Gerusalemme porrebbe in serio  rischio quello  all’Ucraina, visto che americani ed europei faticano a  raggiungere la  produzione richiesta dal governo di Zelensky. La  produzione di armi di  Usa e Ue è stata uno dei temi al centro di una  puntata di “Numeri”, il  programma di Sky TG24. TUTTI I DATI

\n”,”postId”:”db939d9f-7e11-46ed-b677-3d797f177ed2″},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-11T20:00:00.784Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-11T21:00:00+0100″,”video”:{“videoId”:”885798″,”videoPageUrl”:”″},”altBackground”:true,”postId”:”ac7f651d-e0da-462e-a83a-0c5be59ed2a2″},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-11T19:38:00.562Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-11T20:38:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Guerra in Ucraina, quali sono i trucchi della Russia per proteggersi dagli attacchi”,”content”:”

La controffensiva di Kiev preoccupa Mosca: come ha rilevato Sky News Uk i   russi hanno iniziato a ricorrere a stratagemmi risalenti alla Prima   guerra mondiale, come disegnare gli aerei sulle piste o dipingere le   navi bicolore, per cercare di proteggere il più possibile i propri   mezzi. Non è detto però che funzionino: l’Ucraina ha i mezzi per   riuscire a capire i bluff. I TRUCCHI

\n”,”postId”:”ec7334d8-e8aa-4cde-be03-fd578323ddd9″},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-11T19:19:00.266Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-11T20:19:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Ucraina, la guerra colpisce gli anziani con isolamento e povertà”,”content”:”

Un report di  Amnesty International spiega che le  persone più in là con l’età sono fortemente colpite dal conflitto. Il loro è uno stato di vulnerabilità  crescente, dovuto anche all’emigrazione o al reclutamento dei giovani. L’APPROFONDIMENTO

\n”,”postId”:”0e87af4e-598e-46d5-bb51-4c4b4c65bbc0″},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-11T19:00:53.640Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-11T20:00:53+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Csd: \”Pieno sostegno a Kiev, ricerca pace giusta con alleati\””,”content”:”

Il Consiglio Supremo di Difesa ha \”esaminato la situazione della guerra in Ucraina e ha ribadito la ferma condanna dell’aggressione operata dalla Federazione Russa e il pieno sostegno dell’Italia all’Ucraina nella sua difesa contro l’invasore. Il Consiglio ha convenuto sulla ricerca, in stretto accordo tra i partner europei e atlantici, di prospettive che permettano di giungere a una pace che sia giusta e duratura, in conformità al diritto internazionale, e per l’avvio di un piano di ricostruzione dell’Ucraina\”. Lo si legge in una nota del Quirinale al termine del Consiglio Supremo di Difesa.

“,”postId”:”93b0db49-485d-44b1-8912-1dca1bf8f7f5″},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-11T19:00:00.478Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-11T20:00:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Domani Zelensky incontra Biden alla Casa Bianca”,”content”:”

Avolere il faccia a faccia è stato lo stesso presidente degli Usa, come confermato dal portavoce del Consiglio di sicurezza nazionale americana, John Kirby, che ha anche anticipato che gli Stati Uniti annunceranno un nuovo pacchetto di aiuti a Kiev entro la fine del mese. LEGGI L’ARTICOLO

“,”postId”:”03c57e1a-b331-43f4-8a82-439f4fc9d469″},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-11T18:40:04.848Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-11T19:40:04+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Budapest a Kuleba: \”L’Ue non è preparata a ingresso Kiev\””,”content”:”

Nel corso dell’incontro con il ministro degli Esteri Dmytro Kuleba il ministro degli Esteri ungherese Péter Szijjártó ha sottolineato che per Budapest \”non si tratta di una questione tattica, ma di una decisione di importanza storica per l’intero futuro dell’Unione Europea\” e ha criticato la mancanza di preparazione da parte della Commissione Europea riguardo al potenziale impatto dell’adesione dell’Ucraina all’Ue. Lo rende noto il portavoce del governo ungherese Zoltan Kovacs sottolineando come Szijjártó abbia \”sottolineato la necessità di prepararsi adeguatamente per negoziati reciprocamente vantaggiosi con l’Ucraina\”.

“,”postId”:”8e529bb1-f44f-4aaf-82d9-653a5dfa82b3″},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-11T18:09:00.517Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-11T19:09:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Mosca, ‘oltre 1.050 russi sono stati evacuati da Gaza'”,”content”:”

Oltre 1.050 russi sono stati portati in Egitto attraverso il valico di frontiera di Rafah e consegnati alla Russia durante l’evacuazione dalla Striscia di Gaza. Lo ha riferito il ministero degli Affari Esteri della Federazione Russa citato dalla Tass. \”In totale dalla zona di conflitto sono riusciti a uscire e a essere consegnati in sicurezza alla Russia più di 1.050 connazionali\” ha riferito il ministero degli Esteri di Mosca.

“,”postId”:”c1b4fd45-6045-473f-8606-a20af2b96644″},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-11T18:05:36.684Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-11T19:05:36+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Zelensky, domani dirò a Biden e a Congresso nostri obiettivi ’24”,”content”:”

Il presidente ucraino Volodymyr Zelensky si è detto \”fiducioso come all’inizio della guerra che la libertà prevarrà\” e ha promesso che domani dirà a Joe Biden e al Congresso \”quali risultati otterremo nel 2024\”. 

“,”postId”:”324e2783-5d2d-44ce-9090-a6e7c57a007c”}]}” query='{“live”:true,”configurationName”: “LIVEBLOG_CONTAINER_WIDGET”, “liveblogId”: “a45ff765-8e71-40a0-84f7-ece0238a7dde”, “tenant”: “tg24”, “page”: 1, “limit”:20}' >

The Ukrainian president is already in the US and will meet with Joe Biden at the White House tomorrow. “Russia’s war against Ukraine is actually a war against the entire free Europe,” he said in his speech from Washington, emphasizing that “Putin wants to divide Europe for the first time since the fall of the Berlin Wall.”

Ukraine has already approved “three of the four laws” required by the European Commission to meet the requirements in its report on the opening of accession negotiations, and the last remaining law has been submitted to parliament. “It is proof of our commitment, we have done our homework and now we expect the EU to honor its commitments. Otherwise it would be disastrous for Ukraine and the European Union because it would send the message: 'The Union is not it.' capable of making historic decisions.” This was said by Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba.

Ukraine shot down eight Russian missiles heading towards Kiev, the Ukrainian military said, while local authorities reported injuries.


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less than a minute ago

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38 minutes ago

War in Ukraine, Putin orders a 15% increase in the number of soldiers

170,000 people will join Moscow's armed forces. The personnel available to the Kremlin is currently estimated at 2,209,130 ​​people, of which 1,320,000 are military personnel. The decree said that “the increase in the army's full-time workforce is due to the growing threats” related to the war in Ukraine and increasingly tense relations with NATO. READ THE ARTICLE

52 minutes ago

Russia extends the arrest of WSJ reporter Evan Gershkovich until January 30

A Russian court decided this, extending the journalist's detention for the third time since March, when the 32-year-old has been in custody on espionage charges. An accusation that the journalist himself, the American newspaper and the US government firmly reject. READ THE ARTICLE

10:47 p.m

IAEA: We will do everything we can to prevent a nuclear accident in Zaporizhia

According to the president of the Ukrainian nuclear agency Energoatom, Petro Kotin, the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant was “on the verge of a nuclear and radioactive accident” due to a total failure at the power plant, which was repaired this morning. Zelensky's chief of staff Andriy Yermak promised to reopen the Ukrainian capital's airport soon. As the Russian invasion continues, displaced elderly people with disabilities cannot receive adequate care and housing. READ THE ARTICLE

10:04 p.m

Joschka Fischer: “More nuclear weapons in Europe in view of Putin’s threat”

The former German foreign minister and vice chancellor in Gerhard Schröder's two governments from 1998 to 2005, as well as a leading member of the Green Party, told Die Zeit. Given “Putin's nuclear blackmail,” it is necessary for the EU to have “its own nuclear deterrent,” he explained. READ THE ARTICLE

9:54 p.m

Pentagon: “US commitments must be kept and word given”

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin reiterated the US commitment to supporting Ukraine against a Russian invasion. And he did it during Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's visit to Washington. “We are determined to show the world that America will not back down in the defense of freedom,” Austin said during a speech at a military college. As Congress debates whether to provide more military aid, Austin warned: “America's commitments must be kept, America's security must be defended, and America's word must be kept.”

Zelensky said that Russian President Vladimir Putin was not only fighting against Ukraine, but was striving for a free and united Europe. It's not just about destroying people's lives in Ukrainian cities: the real goal is democracy and freedom, he said. “He is spreading this ideology and also looking for allies here in America. His weapon against you at the moment is propaganda and disinformation,” Zelensky said, emphasizing that Ukraine will not give up defending itself: “We know what to do. And you, you.” We can count on Ukraine and we hope that we can count on you too.” “When the free world hesitates, then dictatorships celebrate,” Zelensky warned. Tomorrow, the President of Ukraine will be welcomed at the White House by US President Joe Biden and is also expected to meet members of Congress, including the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Republican Mike Johnson. It is Zelensky's third visit to Washington since the Russian invasion of Ukraine began.

9:45 p.m

The wife of Kiev's 007 boss Marianna Budanova was poisoned

The 30-year-old woman was diagnosed with heavy metal poisoning. “These substances are not used in any way in daily life or military affairs,” sources said. WHAT WE KNOW

9:35 p.m

Russia bombs the Sumy region, over 70 explosions

Russian forces bombed the border area of ​​Sumy Oblast 18 times today, with a total of 70 explosions recorded in the region. This was reported by Ukrainska Pravda, which quoted the military administration of Sumy Oblast on Facebook.

9:30 p.m

Ukrainian media: “Air alert in Odessa, explosions heard”

Residents of the Odessa region of Ukraine heard explosions in the Odessa district. The Ukrainian authorities had declared an air alert for the area. This was reported by Ukrainian media such as Rbc Ukraine and Suspilne. Official sources have not yet confirmed the explosions or specified their causes, but urged residents in the area to stay in shelters until the airstrike is over.

9:22 p.m

Ukraine, can the war between Israel and Hamas reduce arms supplies? US and EU data

As Moscow and Kiev exchange accusations that they helped Hamas attack the Israelis, Washington and Brussels are wondering what to do: A possible shipment to Jerusalem would seriously jeopardize shipments to Ukraine as Americans and Europeans struggle to to achieve the required production by Zelensky's government. US and EU arms production was one of the topics at the heart of an episode of Sky TG24's 'Numeri' show. ALL DATA

8:38 p.m

War in Ukraine, what are Russia's tricks to protect itself from attacks?

Kiev's counteroffensive worries Moscow: As Sky News UK revealed, the Russians have started resorting to World War I stratagems, such as drawing planes on runways or painting ships two colors to protect their assets. However, it is not certain that they will work: Ukraine has the means to be able to understand the bluffs. THE TRICKS

8:19 p.m

In Ukraine, the war leads to isolation and poverty among the elderly

A report of Amnesty International says that older people have been severely affected by the conflict. Their situation is increasingly vulnerable, also due to the migration or recruitment of young people. THE INSIGHT

8:00 pm

CSD: “Full support for Kiev, seeks just peace with allies”

The Supreme Defense Council “examined the situation of the war in Ukraine and reiterated its strong condemnation of the aggression carried out by the Russian Federation and Italy's full support for Ukraine in its defense against the invader. “The Council agreed, in close consultation between the two, to consult with European and Atlantic partners for prospects that will enable us to achieve a just and lasting peace in accordance with international law and to launch a reconstruction plan for Ukraine.” We read it in a note from the Quirinale at the end of the Supreme Defense Council.

8:00 pm

Tomorrow Zelensky will meet Biden at the White House

The US President himself wanted the personal meeting, as confirmed by US National Security Council spokesman John Kirby, who also expected the US to announce a new aid package for Kiev by the end of the month. READ THE ARTICLE

7:40 p.m

Budapest to Kuleba: “The EU is not prepared for Kiev’s accession”

During the meeting with Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba, Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó emphasized that for Budapest this was “not a tactical question, but a decision of historic importance for the entire future of the European Union” and criticized the European Commission's lack of preparation regarding the possible consequences Ukraine's EU membership. This was made clear by Hungarian government spokesman Zoltan Kovacs, stressing that Szijjártó “underlined the need to adequately prepare for mutually beneficial negotiations with Ukraine.”

7:09 p.m

Moscow: “Over 1,050 Russians were evacuated from Gaza”

Over 1,050 Russians were brought into Egypt through the Rafah border crossing and handed over to Russia during the evacuation from the Gaza Strip. This was reported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, quoted by Tass. “In total, more than 1,050 compatriots managed to leave the conflict area and were safely handed over to Russia,” reported the Foreign Ministry in Moscow.

7:05 p.m

Zelensky, tomorrow I will share our 24 goals with Biden and Congress

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said he was “as confident as he was at the beginning of the war that freedom will prevail” and vowed to tell Joe Biden and Congress tomorrow “what results we will achieve in 2024.”