Ukraine Russia the latest news today January 21 about Putin39s

Ukraine Russia, the latest news today, January 21, about Putin's war. LIVE

“I know Putin, I know Zelensky. I will solve this problem before I take office.” Donald Trump said this during a rally in Manchester, New Hampshire, praising Viktor Orban as a great European leader and assuring that he would avoid World War III. The three Baltic states have agreed to equip their borders with Russia and Belarus with “defense facilities” to counter possible military threats related to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Estonian Defense Ministry said. For the first time, Ukrainian military intelligence said it had attacked Russia with drones as far away as the St. Petersburg region, Vladimir Putin's city, almost a thousand kilometers from the front.\n\n




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“,”postId”:”7e503a8b-c9d7-4072-9404-bef08e72e5a9″}],”posts”:[{“timestamp”:”2024-01-21T09:04:57.044Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-01-21T10:04:57+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Filorussi, 13 morti e 10 feriti in raid su mercato Donetsk”,”content”:”

\”Secondo le prime informazioni, almeno 13 persone sono state uccise e 10 ferite a seguito del terribile bombardamento dell’area del mercato nel microdistretto Tekstilshchik di Donetsk\”. Lo scrive su Telegram il capo filorusso dell’autoproclamata Repubblica Popolare di Donetsk, Denis Pushilin, in un nuovo bilancio del raid sulla città in Ucraina. \”Il mercato è stato attaccato domenica, quando è più affollato. I servizi operativi stanno lavorando sul posto, le informazioni sui morti e sui feriti continuano ad essere ricevute e chiarite\”, ha aggiunto. 

“,”postId”:”dc812196-f333-4f0d-a7c5-6d31970fc6e1″},{“timestamp”:”2024-01-21T09:01:18.812Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-01-21T10:01:18+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Kiev colpisce impianto di produzione antiaerea in Russia”,”content”:”

Le forze ucraine hanno attaccato \”con successo\” lo stabilimento russo Shcheglovskyi Val a Tula, nell’ovest della Russia, dove vengono prodotti i i missili antiaerei Pantsir. Lo scrivono i media ucraini Rbc e Suspline citando fonti del Gur, l’intelligence militare di Kiev. Secondo quanto riferito, l’attacco è stato effettuato utilizzando droni. Ieri sera, il ministero della Difesa russo aveva annunciato l’abbattimento di un drone sulla regione di Tula. 

“,”postId”:”a1b22afd-549e-40c6-9d27-c3ba1005f9aa”},{“timestamp”:”2024-01-21T08:44:51.164Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-01-21T09:44:51+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Filorussi, \”8 civili uccisi da attacchi ucraini a Donetsk\””,”content”:”

Almeno otto civili sono rimasti uccisi dagli attacchi delle forze armate ucraine sulla città di Donetsk, nell’est dell’Ucraina. Lo riporta RIA Novosti citando il sindaco della città in mano ai russi, Alexey Kulemzin. Secondo quanto riferito dall’agenzia russa, sei proiettili da 155 mm sono stati sparati contro il microdistretto di Tekstilshchik, nel quartiere Kirovsky della città, dove si trovano mercati e un gran numero di negozi. \”Secondo i dati preliminari, a seguito del barbaro bombardamento del distretto di Kirov nel microdistretto di Tekstilshchik, otto persone sono morte\”, ha scritto Kulemzin sul suo canale Telegram.

“,”postId”:”87e9f69a-9988-4d14-bc18-e7480c9bbbdc”},{“timestamp”:”2024-01-21T07:44:29.653Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-01-21T08:44:29+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Mosca, non sorprende Germania difenda Israele su genocidio”,”content”:”

\”La Federazione Russa non è sorpresa dal fatto che la Germania difenda Israele contro l’accusa di genocidio, visto il rifiuto di Berlino di ammettere i crimini del Terzo Reich in Unione Sovietica\”. Lo ha denunciato alla Tass la portavoce del ministero degli Esteri di Mosca, Maria Zakharova. 

“,”postId”:”5b674737-30ab-48e9-9a5e-3a9266efaa4a”},{“timestamp”:”2024-01-21T07:32:48.348Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-01-21T08:32:48+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Isw, i russi catturano il villaggio di Krokhmalne nel nord-est”,”content”:”

Le truppe russe hanno catturato ieri il villaggio di Krokhmalne, nella regione di Kharkiv, nell’Ucraina nord-orientale: lo scrive l’Istituto per lo studio della guerra (Isw) sul suo sito. L’esercito russo sta avanzando lungo la linea Kupyansk-Svatov-Kreminna, sottolinea il centro studi statunitense, ele immagini di geolocalizzazione diffuse ieri indicano che i soldati di Mosca hanno preso il controllo di Krokhmalne, a 20 km a nord-ovest di Svatovo. In precedenza, ricorda il think tank, i blogger militari russi avevano affermato che le forze ucraine si erano ritirate dalle posizioni vicino a questo insediamento. 

“,”postId”:”21f73510-8704-430d-a05c-5d34a996d78e”},{“timestamp”:”2024-01-21T06:46:20.101Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-01-21T07:46:20+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Kiev, peggiora situazione in centrale nucleare di Zaporizhzhya”,”content”:”

La situazione nella centrale nucleare di Zaporizhzhya continua a peggiorare: lo ha detto il ministro dell’Energia ucraino, Herman Galushchenko, annunciando una imminente visita nel Paese del direttore generale dell’Agenzia internazionale per l’energia atomica (Aiea), Rafael Grossi. Lo riporta Rbc-Ucraina. \”Il processo di degrado delle attrezzature continua. I russi hanno consentito agli esperti di entrare nei reattori al terzo tentativo, ma ciò non cambia il quadro generale\”, ha affermato Galushchenko. \”Grossi verrà in Ucraina nel prossimo futuro. Forse prima visiterà la centrale nucleare di Zaporizhzhya. L’attenzione di tutto il mondo è ora focalizzata su questo. La presenza dei russi lì è un pericolo costante\”, ha aggiunto. 

“,”postId”:”50f7bde7-ad44-4495-b0fc-b2c9f17b75e5″},{“timestamp”:”2024-01-21T06:11:27.359Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-01-21T07:11:27+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Russia, incendio in terminal gas vicino a San Pietroburgo”,”content”:”

Un incendio è scoppiato in un terminal di gas nel porto di Ust-Luga, sul Mar Baltico russo. Lo ha riferito il governatore della regione. Il sito, che si trova a 110 chilometri a ovest di San Pietroburgo, vicino al confine con l’Estonia, è gestito da Novatek, il più grande produttore di gas naturale della Russia. \”Nessun ferito a seguito dell’incendio al terminal Novatek del porto di Ust-Luga. Il personale è stato evacuato\”, ha scritto su Telegram il governatore della regione di Leningrado, Aleksandr Drozdenko, pubblicando un video che mostra un enorme rogo e fumo. \”Un livello di allerta elevato è stato dichiarato nel distretto di Kingiseppsky che comprende il porto\”, ha aggiunto. Il Ministero dell’Emergenza e i vigili del fuoco locali sono all’opera per sedare le fiamme.

“,”postId”:”14090e69-42fc-4d4a-a42c-f9b70ab9b4c1″},{“timestamp”:”2024-01-21T05:37:19.950Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-01-21T06:37:19+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Corea del Nord annuncia, \”pronti a ricevere Putin\””,”content”:”

La Corea del Nord è \”pronta a ricevere il presidente russo Vladimir Putin\”. E’ quanto riferisce l’agenzia ufficiale Kcna a conferma del riavvicinamento tra Pyongyang e Mosca. Il ministro degli Esteri nordcoreano Choe Son Hui durante una visita nella capitale russa – secondo Kcna – ha detto che la Corea del Nord è \”pronta a ricevere l’amico più caro del popolo coreano con la massima sincerità\”. 

“,”postId”:”ff2337fd-bfb9-45ef-9b2f-f88a03892eb5″},{“timestamp”:”2024-01-21T05:21:43.813Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-01-21T06:21:43+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Mosca, distrutti tre droni ucraini nella regione di Smolensk”,”content”:”

Le difese aeree russe hanno distrutto tre veicoli aerei senza pilota ucraini nella regione di Smolensk. Lo ha riferito – come riporta la Tass – il ministero della Difesa russo. \”Verso l’1,30 ora di Mosca del 21 gennaio – si legge in una nota – il tentativo del regime di Kiev di effettuare un attacco terroristico con un drone di tipo aereo contro strutture sul territorio russo è stato sventato. Tre veicoli aerei senza pilota ucraini sono stati distrutti dalle forze di difesa aerea allertate sulla regione di Smolensk\”. Il governatore della regione di Smolensk, Vasily Anokhin, ha dichiarato su Telegram che non ci sono state vittime o danni alle infrastrutture locali. 

“,”postId”:”1f528b1d-6aab-4de6-ae18-578df3dd3f98″},{“timestamp”:”2024-01-21T05:21:02.092Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-01-21T06:21:02+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Zelensky invita Trump a Kiev”,”content”:”

Volodymyr Zelensky ha invitato Donald Trump a Kiev, ma a una condizione: intervistato da Channel 4 News, il presidente ucraino ha detto che l’ex presidente degli Stati Uniti sarebbe il benvenuto nella capitale, a patto che sia in grado di fermare la guerra con la Russia entro 24 ore, come aveva sostenuto l’anno scorso. \”Per favore, Donald Trump, ti invito in Ucraina, a Kiev. Quindi, se puoi fermare la guerra entro 24 ore, penso che sarebbe sufficiente per venire\”, ha detto Zelensky.

“,”postId”:”1a38c4dc-424e-4adb-bb64-bddbef90ea8a”},{“timestamp”:”2024-01-21T05:20:29.829Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-01-21T06:20:29+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Zelensky annuncia vertice di pace in Svizzera con i leader mondiali”,”content”:”

\”Speriamo che tutti i Paesi civili siano coinvolti nel vertice di  pace\” ha dichiarato Zelensky, che ha fatto anche un esplicito  riferimento alla Cina: \”Gioca un ruolo importante nel mondo quindi  vorremmo fosse coinvolta\” LEGGI

“,”postId”:”615aa9a3-36da-48ba-9c85-4a6c55dc5a59″},{“timestamp”:”2024-01-21T05:20:06.646Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-01-21T06:20:06+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Guerra Ucraina, 19 mila bambini deportati in Russia: inchiesta del New York Times”,”content”:”

Per la deportazione di minori Vladimir Putin è accusato di crimini di  guerra dalla Corte penale internazionale insieme alla commissaria per  l’Infanzia, Maria Llova-Belova L’INCHIESTA

“,”postId”:”3cfa37ec-a819-4053-be1d-746db8e2aca2″}]}” query='{“live”:true,”configurationName”: “LIVEBLOG_CONTAINER_WIDGET”, “liveblogId”: “7163a556-bf36-485c-8e64-ea7189a1f8d0”, “tenant”: “tg24”, “page”: 1, “limit”:20}' >

“I know Putin, I know Zelensky. “I will solve this problem before I even take office.” Donald Trump said this during a rally in Manchester, New Hampshire, praising Viktor Orban as a great European leader and assuring that he would avoid World War III. The three Baltic states have agreed to equip their borders with Russia and Belarus with “defense facilities” to counter possible military threats related to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Estonian Defense Ministry said. For the first time, Ukrainian military intelligence said it had hit Russia with drones as far away as the region of St. Petersburg, Vladimir Putin's city, almost a thousand kilometers from the front.


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less than a minute ago

Pro-Russians, 13 dead and 10 injured in raid on Donetsk market

“According to initial information, at least 13 people were killed and 10 injured in the terrible shelling of the market area in the Donetsk microdistrict of Tekstilshchik.” This is what the pro-Russian head of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic, Denis Pushilin, wrote on Telegram in a new assessment of the attack on the city in Ukraine. “The market was attacked on Sunday when it was at its busiest. The emergency services are working on site, information about dead and injured people continues to be received and clarified,” he added.

3 minutes ago

Kiev bombs anti-aircraft production facility in Russia

Ukrainian forces have “successfully” attacked Russia’s Shcheglovsky Val plant in Tula, western Russia, where Pantsir anti-aircraft missiles are manufactured. This was written by the Ukrainian media Rbc and Suspline, citing sources from Gur, the Kiev military intelligence service. The attack was reportedly carried out using drones. Yesterday evening, the Russian Defense Ministry announced the downing of a drone over the Tula region.

20 minutes ago

Pro-Russians: “8 civilians killed in Ukrainian attacks in Donetsk”

At least eight civilians have been killed in attacks by Ukrainian forces on the city of Donetsk in eastern Ukraine. This is reported by RIA Novosti, citing the mayor of the Russian-controlled city, Alexey Kulemzin. According to the Russian agency, six 155 mm shells were fired at the Tekstilshchik microdistrict in the Kirovsky district, where markets and numerous shops are located. “According to preliminary data, as a result of the barbaric shelling of the Kirov district in the Tekstilshchik microdistrict, eight people died,” Kulemzin wrote on his Telegram channel.


Moscow is not surprised that Germany defends Israel for genocide

“The Russian Federation is not surprised that Germany is defending Israel against accusations of genocide, given Berlin's refusal to admit the crimes of the Third Reich in the Soviet Union,” Moscow Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told Tass.


Isw, the Russians capture the village of Krokhmalne in the northeast

Russian troops captured the village of Krokhmalne in the Kharkiv region in northeastern Ukraine yesterday, the Institute for War Research (ISW) writes on its website. The Russian army is advancing along the Kupiansk-Svatov-Kreminna line, the US study center emphasizes, and geolocation images released yesterday suggest that Moscow's soldiers have taken control of Krochmalne, 20 km northwest of Svatovo. Previously, the think tank recalls, Russian military bloggers claimed that Ukrainian forces had withdrawn from positions near this settlement.


Kiev, the situation at the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant is deteriorating

The situation at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant continues to worsen: this was said by Ukrainian Energy Minister Herman Galushchenko, announcing an upcoming visit to the country by the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Rafael Grossi. RBC-Ukraine reports about it. “The process of equipment deterioration continues. The Russians allowed experts to enter the reactors on the third attempt, but that does not change the overall picture,” Galushchenko said. “Grossi will come to Ukraine in the near future. Perhaps he will first visit the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. This is where the world's attention is now focused. The presence of the Russians there is a constant danger,” he added.


Russia, fire in the gas terminal near St. Petersburg

A fire broke out at a gas terminal in the port of Ust-Luga on Russia's Baltic Sea. This was announced by the governor of the region. The site is located 110 kilometers west of St. Petersburg near the Estonian border and is operated by Novatek, Russia's largest natural gas producer. “No one was injured after the fire at the Novatek terminal in the port of Ust-Luga. The personnel have been evacuated,” Leningrad Region Governor Alexander Drozdenko wrote on Telegram, posting a video showing a huge fire and smoke. “A high alert level has been declared in the Kingiseppsky district, which includes the port,” he added. The Ministry of Emergency Management and local firefighters are working to extinguish the flames.


North Korea declares “ready to receive Putin”

North Korea is “ready to receive Russian President Vladimir Putin.” This is reported by the official agency KCNA, confirming the rapprochement between Pyongyang and Moscow. According to KCNA, North Korean Foreign Minister Choe Son Hui said during a visit to the Russian capital that North Korea is “ready to receive the dearest friend of the Korean people with the utmost sincerity.”


Moscow, three Ukrainian drones destroyed in the Smolensk region

Russian air defense forces destroyed three Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles in the Smolensk region. This was reported by the Russian Defense Ministry, as Tass reported. “At around 1:30 a.m. Moscow time on January 21 – we read in a note – the Kiev regime's attempt to use an aerial drone to carry out a terrorist attack on structures on Russian territory was thwarted. Three aircraft without Ukrainian pilots were destroyed by air defense forces were alerted over the Smolensk region.” The governor of the Smolensk region, Vasily Anokhin, said on Telegram that there were no casualties or damage to local infrastructure.


Zelensky invites Trump to Kiev

Volodymyr Zelensky invited Donald Trump to Kiev, but on one condition: in an interview with Channel 4 News, the Ukrainian president said that the former US president would be welcome in the capital as long as he could end the war with Russia within 24 hours , as he claimed last year. “Please, Donald Trump, I invite you to Ukraine, to Kiev. So if you can end the war within 24 hours, I think that would be enough,” Zelensky said.


Zelensky announces peace summit with world leaders in Switzerland

“We hope that all civilized countries will be involved in the peace summit,” said Zelensky, who also specifically referred to China: “It plays an important role in the world, so we want it to be included.” READ


Ukraine War, 19,000 Children Deported to Russia: New York Times Investigation

Vladimir Putin and the Commissioner for Children, Maria Llova-Belova, are accused of war crimes by the International Criminal Court because of the deportation of minors. THE INVESTIGATION