1650525206 Ukraine Russia quotThe war will end when the NATO threat

Ukraine, Russia: "The war will end when the NATO threat is gone". The message of the Kremlin Virgilio News

For Russia, the end of the NATO threat, along with the denazification of Ukraine, is a primary condition for ending the war

By: VirgilioNotizie | Published on: 04/21/2022 08:31

The war will end when NATO stops using Ukraine’s territory to threaten Russia. The message comes from Alexei Polishchuka senior official at the Russian Foreign Ministry who spoke to the Tass news agency. “The Military Special Operation”, to use the terminology previously used by Moscow to indicate the invasion of Ukraine, according to Polishchuk “it is taking place as planned”. These days, the Russian army is engaged in a massive offensive aimed at taking control of eastern Ukraine.

Ukraine, Russia dictate terms to NATO

The distance of “NATO threat” It is not the only condition that the Russians set for the end of the war. Also at the TASS agency, Polishchuk listed Moscow’s other goals: “Protection of the peaceful population of Donbass, demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine”. This returns the reference to the “denazification of Ukraine” that was actually mentioned by Putin at the start of the invasion.

But perhaps the most relevant reference is to the “threat” of NATO. To paraphrase Polishchuk: “The elimination of threats to Russia from Ukrainian territory due to its conquest by NATO countries”.

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Ukraine, Russia: “The goals are being achieved”

The senior official of the Russian Foreign Ministry added that the military operation is proceeding according to forecasts and that “all of its objectives will be achieved”.

Words consistent with those of Wladimir Putinwhich in recent days has tried to overshadow the failure of the siege of Kyiv and the setback caused by the sinking of the cruiser Moskva in the Black Sea.

In these hours, the Russian army is trying to tighten its grip on Mariupol, with the final battle at the Azovstal Steel Works, where thousands of civilians live alongside the fighters of the Azov regiment. According to Chechen leader Kadyrov, capturing the city is only a matter of hours.

Russian Embassy to NATO: Photo source: ANSAI bombing of Azovstal Steel Plant

Ukraine, tensions between Russia and NATO continue to grow

Since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine Tensions between Moscow and NATO continued to mount. Several observers have pointed out that Putin’s move aimed at getting rid of the Atlantic Pact’s “grip” has in fact had completely opposite effects.

In fact, Sweden and Finland are ready to join NATO because they feel threatened by Russian aggression. So far, NATO has not entered the conflict directly to avoid an unpredictable escalation.

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But it supports Ukraine with massive arms shipments, and according to the Times, British special forces (a NATO country) have been training local soldiers on Ukrainian soil.


Photo source: ANSA