Russian forces launched 31 kamikaze drones against Ukraine overnight, 19 of which were shot down by Kiev’s defense forces, the army said. ”Stay in the emergency shelters”. This is the appeal that Kiev Mayor Vitali Klitschko made through his Telegram channel to residents of the Ukrainian capital after the city was hit by rockets this morning, causing two powerful explosions. Kiev had not been hit since September.\n
Russian air defense systems shot down two fixed-wing drones over the Moscow and Smolensk region areas yesterday evening, the Russian Defense Ministry said today.
The EU states have so far provided Ukraine with “300,000 ammunition”, i.e. “30% of the million promised by next March”. Most of these are 155 mm howitzer shells, which Kiev loudly requested to counter the Russian offensive. This was announced by a senior EU official, who, however, said he was optimistic that the million ammunition could be reached by the end of March.
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“,”postId”:”4d8653a0-ca00-4a4e-ab61-aab45dcd97e3″}],”posts”:[{“timestamp”:”2023-11-11T09:33:46.018Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-11-11T10:33:46+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Droni sulla regione di Dnipropetrovsk nella notte”,”content”:”
Droni russi hanno attaccato nelle prime ore di oggi la regione ucraina di Dnipropetrovsk, nel sud del Paese: lo ha reso noto il capo dell’amministrazione militare regionale, Serhiy Lysak, come riferisce Ukrinform. \”Nella notte il nemico ha attaccato massicciamente la regione con i droni. Cinque sono stati intercettati dai nostri difensori, nei distretti di Pavlograd, Kamianka, Dniprom e Kryvyi Rih\”, ha scritto Lysak sui social media. Il funzionario ha precisato che due droni kamikaze Shahed hanno distrutto un edificio. Inoltre, i russi hanno preso di mira per due volte, con l’artiglieria pesante, la comunità Marhanets nel distretto di Nikopol. Non si segnalano feriti.
“,”postId”:”e5779ad1-9527-4490-9b1a-e58d4df430e5″},{“timestamp”:”2023-11-11T09:18:38.717Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-11-11T10:18:38+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”‘Attacchi missilistici su Kiev ripresi dopo quasi 2 mesi'”,”content”:”
Il lancio della notte scorsa di un missile balistico russo in direzione di Kiev, segna la ripresa degli attacchi di Mosca con questo tipo di armi contro la capitale ucraina da quasi due mesi: lo ha detto il capo dell’amministrazione militare della città, Serghei Popko. \”Dopo una lunga pausa di 52 giorni, il nemico ha ripreso gli attacchi missilistici su Kiev! – ha detto Popko, secondo quanto riporta Ukrinform -. Dopo l’attacco notturno dei droni, questa mattina i rashisti (parola che unisce russi e fascisti, ndr.) hanno tentato di lanciare un attacco missilistico su Kiev\”.
“,”postId”:”4508c4b9-d240-4821-a40a-812cb8604f70″},{“timestamp”:”2023-11-11T09:14:16.300Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-11-11T10:14:16+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Russia, abbattuti 2 droni nella regione di Mosca”,”content”:”
I sistemi di difesa aerea russi hanno abbattuto ieri sera due droni ad ala fissa sui territori della regione di Mosca e di Smolensk, ha riferito oggi il ministero della Difesa russo. \”E’ stato sventato un tentativo da parte del regime di Kiev di effettuare un attacco terroristico con droni contro installazioni nei territori della Federazione Russa\”, si legge nella nota pubblicato sul canale Telegram del Ministero. Uno dei due droni è stato abbattuto nella regione di Mosca e l’altro a Smolensk, a ovest della capitale russa. \”Non ci sono state vittime\”, ha detto il governatore della regione, Vasily Anokhin, sul suo canale Telegram.
“,”postId”:”b8f5a70a-af1f-40fe-b6a6-286f273aa080″},{“timestamp”:”2023-11-11T08:44:24.713Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-11-11T09:44:24+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Kiev, nella notte abbattuti 19 droni su 31 “,”content”:”
Le forze russe hanno lanciato nella notte 31 droni kamikaze contro l’Ucraina, 19 dei quali sono stati abbattuti dalle forze di difesa di Kiev: lo ha reso noto l’esercito.
“,”postId”:”11ee4b6e-df26-4b69-8c7d-3fd7ec9a3148″},{“timestamp”:”2023-11-11T08:42:48.601Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-11-11T09:42:48+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Sindaco Kiev su primo attacco da settembre, ‘restate nei rifugi'”,”content”:”
”Restate nei rifugi”. E’ l’appello che il sindaco di Kiev Vitali Klitschko ha rivolto ai residenti della capitale ucraina tramite il suo canale di Telegram dopo che la città è stata colpita questa mattina da missili che hanno provocato due potenti esplosioni. Era da settembre che Kiev non veniva colpita.
\”Si sono sentite forti esplosioni sulla riva sinistra della capitale. Secondo le informazioni preliminari, le forze antiaeree hanno funzionato contro missili balistici. L’ansia continua. Restate nei rifugi!\”, ha detto Klitschko.
“,”postId”:”8c32b3b0-74bc-4021-be4c-d63afbb4dcc2″},{“timestamp”:”2023-11-11T07:28:02.338Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-11-11T08:28:02+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Isw, offensiva russa nella zona di Avdiivka”,”content”:”
Le truppe di Mosca hanno condotto ieri un’offensiva nella zona di Avdiivka, nella regione orientale ucraina di Donetsk, i cui risultati non sono confermati: allo stesso tempo, i blogger militari russi hanno affermato che i soldati sono entrati nella periferia di Stepovoy, un villaggio a tre chilometri a nord-ovest di Avdiivka, e hanno continuato a combattere in questa zona. Lo scrive sul suo sito l’Istituto per lo studio della guerra (Isw). \”Le forze russe hanno condotto operazioni offensive intorno ad Avdiivka il 10 novembre ma non hanno fatto progressi confermati\”, afferma il centro studi statunitense. Secondo blogger militari russi, \”le forze russe hanno raggiunto e sono entrate nella periferia di Stepove (3 km a nord-ovest di Avdiivka) e continuano a combattere nell’area – prosegue la nota -. Un blogger militare affiliato al Cremlino ha aggiunto che le forze russe si sono anche assicurate posizioni sulla linea ferroviaria, consentendo loro di ottenere successi tattici vicino a Stepove\”.
“,”postId”:”018e12ba-0a77-4ca7-a942-8cf52c067238″},{“timestamp”:”2023-11-11T06:31:52.307Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-11-11T07:31:52+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Sindaco di Kiev: \”La difesa aerea ha funzionato\””,”content”:”
La difesa aerea di Kiev \”ha funzionato\”, ma \”l’ansia continua\”: lo ha scritto questa mattina sul suo canale Telegram il sindaco di Kiev, Vitali Klitschko, riferendosi alle forti esplosioni segnalate in precedenza nella capitale ucraina. \”Secondo le informazioni preliminari, le forze missilistiche balistiche antiaeree hanno funzionato. L’ansia continua. Restate nei rifugi\”, si legge nel messaggio. Le esplosioni, ha precisato, \”sono state udite sulla riva sinistra\” del fiume Dnipro che attraversa la città.
“,”postId”:”756e93a4-9a45-4115-80c6-fe45088f3c38″},{“timestamp”:”2023-11-11T06:25:29.964Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-11-11T07:25:29+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Vertice Oci-Lega Araba a Riad per fermare raid su Gaza”,”content”:”
E’ un vertice arabo-islamico congiunto quello che si terrà oggi a Riad, con l’obiettivo di chiedere con una sola voce la fine dei raid aerei israeliani sulla Striscia di Gaza. Lo ha annunciato il ministero degli Esteri saudita, che ha voluto spiegare così la decisione di tenere un solo vertice invece di uno dell’Organizzazione della cooperazione islamica (Oci) e della Lega Araba. La Lega Araba, jha detto il suo vice Segretario generale Hossam Zaki, mira a dimostrare ”come gli arabi si muoveranno sulla scena internazionale per fermare l’aggressione, sostenere la Palestina e il suo popolo, condannare l’occupazione israeliana e ritenerla responsabile dei suoi crimini”. L’appello è per la ”fine immediata dell’aggressione israeliana contro i palestinesi e la fornitura di ogni forma di sostegno alla Palestina e al suo popolo”.
“,”postId”:”d9719c1d-f733-4870-9d7b-30bf3d06843f”},{“timestamp”:”2023-11-11T06:25:06.326Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-11-11T07:25:06+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Forti esplosioni a Kiev”,”content”:”
Forti esplosioni sono state udite questa mattina a Kiev: lo ha reso noto l’amministrazione militare della capitale ucraina, come riporta Rbc-Ucraina. Da parte sua, l’Aeronautica militare ha segnalato che la città potrebbe essere colpita da missili.
“,”postId”:”571aacca-d323-4981-8ac2-10af531942a0″},{“timestamp”:”2023-11-11T05:41:26.841Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-11-11T06:41:26+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Cremlino: \”Zelensky promette vittorie per coprire fallimenti\””,”content”:”
La mancanza di successi militari sul campo sta costringendo il presidente ucraino Volodymyr Zelensky a fare nuove promesse ai suoi sostenitori occidentali, per \”persuaderli che alla fine tali successi si materializzeranno\”. Lo ha detto il portavoce del Cremlino, Dmitry Peskov, commentando le parole di Zelensky ieri in una conferenza a New York secondo le quali Kiev è ancora sulla buona strada per \”ottenere risultati militari entro la fine dell’anno\” e sta facendo \”lenti passi in avanti a sud, ma anche a est\”.
“,”postId”:”4178dca0-47f3-46fc-8053-5548d8b88b69″},{“timestamp”:”2023-11-11T05:40:54.290Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-11-11T06:40:54+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Cosa sappiamo sul supermissile nucleare Burevestnik testato dalla Russia”,”content”:”
Il presidente russo ha annunciato: “Abbiamo completato il lavoro sulle armi strategiche avanzate di cui avevo parlato diversi anni fa. È stato condotto con successo l’ultimo test del missile da crociera a raggio globale Burevestnik”. Si tratta di un’arma a propulsione nucleare che può arrivare in ogni posto del pianeta e rimanere in volo per giorni. Ci sarebbero tracce di un possibile test già avvenuto nell’Artico. I DETTAGLI
“,”postId”:”9af11524-f230-4f2f-bd1a-e8ac052d256a”},{“timestamp”:”2023-11-11T05:40:14.973Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-11-11T06:40:14+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Guerra in Ucraina, quali sono i trucchi della Russia per proteggersi dagli attacchi”,”content”:”
La controffensiva di Kiev preoccupa Mosca: come ha rilevato Sky News Uk i russi hanno iniziato a ricorrere a stratagemmi risalenti alla Prima guerra mondiale, come disegnare gli aerei sulle piste o dipingere le navi bicolore, per cercare di proteggere il più possibile i propri mezzi. Non è detto però che funzionino: l’Ucraina ha i mezzi per riuscire a capire i bluff. COSA SAPERE
“,”postId”:”ed16fee0-acfc-4ae6-9ed5-f40209f65095″}]}” query='{“live”:true,”configurationName”: “LIVEBLOG_CONTAINER_WIDGET”, “liveblogId”: “b87a7654-b7be-4a68-a5dd-94cf958f38c7”, “tenant”: “tg24”, “page”: 1, “limit”:20}’ >
Russian forces launched 31 kamikaze drones against Ukraine overnight, 19 of which were shot down by Kiev’s defense forces, the army said. ”Stay in the emergency shelters”. This is the appeal that Kiev Mayor Vitali Klitschko made through his Telegram channel to residents of the Ukrainian capital after the city was hit by rockets this morning, causing two powerful explosions. Kiev had not been hit since September.
Russian air defense systems shot down two fixed-wing drones over the Moscow and Smolensk region areas yesterday evening, the Russian Defense Ministry said today.
The EU states have so far provided Ukraine with “300,000 ammunition” or “30% of the million promised by next March”. Most of these are 155 mm howitzer shells, which Kiev loudly requested to counter the Russian offensive. This was announced by a senior EU official, who, however, said he was optimistic that the million ammunition could be reached by the end of March.
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less than a minute ago
Drones over the Dnipropetrovsk region at night
Russian drones attacked the Ukrainian region of Dnipropetrovsk in the south of the country in the early hours of the morning today, the head of the regional military administration, Serhiy Lysak, announced, Ukrinform reported. “Overnight the enemy launched a massive drone attack on the region. Five were intercepted by our defenders, in Pavlograd, Kamianka, Dniprom and Kryvyi Rih districts,” Lysak wrote on social media. The official said two Shahed kamikaze drones destroyed a building. In addition, the Russians twice attacked the Marhanets community in Nikopol District with heavy artillery. No injuries were reported.
15 minutes ago
“Missile attacks on Kiev resumed after almost two months”
The firing of a Russian ballistic missile towards Kiev last night marks the resumption of Moscow’s attacks on the Ukrainian capital with this type of weapon for almost two months, said the head of the city’s military administration, Sergei Popko. “After a long break of 52 days, the enemy has resumed missile attacks on Kiev!” Popko said, Ukrinform reported. “After the nightly drone attack, this morning the Rashists (a word that unites Russians and fascists, editor’s note) tried to launch a missile attack on Kiev.
19 minutes ago
Russia, 2 drones shot down in the Moscow region
Russian air defense systems shot down two fixed-wing drones over the Moscow and Smolensk region areas yesterday evening, the Russian Defense Ministry said today. “An attempt by the Kiev regime to use drones to carry out a terrorist attack on facilities on the territory of the Russian Federation was foiled,” said the statement published on the ministry’s Telegram channel. One of the two drones was shot down in the Moscow region and the other in Smolensk, west of the Russian capital. “There were no injuries,” the region’s governor, Vasily Anokhin, said on his Telegram channel.
49 minutes ago
Kiev, 19 of 31 drones were shot down during the night
Russian forces launched 31 kamikaze drones against Ukraine overnight, 19 of which were shot down by Kiev’s defense forces, the army said.
51 minutes ago
Kiev mayor on first attack since September: “Stay in emergency shelters”
”Stay in the emergency shelters”. This is the appeal that Kiev Mayor Vitali Klitschko made through his Telegram channel to residents of the Ukrainian capital after the city was hit by rockets this morning, causing two powerful explosions. Kiev had not been hit since September.
“Loud explosions were heard on the left bank of the capital. According to preliminary information, air defense forces were operating against ballistic missiles. The fear continues. Stay in the shelters!” said Klitschko.
Isw, Russian offensive in the Avdiivka area
Moscow’s troops carried out an offensive in the Avdiivka region of eastern Ukraine’s Donetsk region yesterday, the results of which are unconfirmed: At the same time, Russian military bloggers claimed that soldiers entered the outskirts of Stepovoy, a village three kilometers northwest of Avdiivka, and continued fighting in the area. This is what the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) writes on its website. “Russian forces conducted offensive operations around Avdiivka on November 10 but made no confirmed progress,” the US study center said. According to Russian military bloggers, “Russian forces have reached and entered the outskirts of Stepove (3 km northwest of Avdiivka) and continue fighting in the area,” the statement continued. A military blogger close to the Kremlin added that Russian forces had also secured positions on the railway line, allowing them to achieve tactical successes near Stepove.
Mayor of Kiev: “The air defense worked”
Kiev’s air defense “worked”, but “the fear continues”: Kiev Mayor Vitali Klitschko wrote on his Telegram channel this morning, referring to the strong explosions previously reported in the Ukrainian capital. “According to preliminary information, the anti-aircraft missiles were used. The fear continues. Stay in shelters,” the message said. The explosions were heard “on the left bank” of the Dnipro River, which flows through the city.
OCI and Arab League summit in Riyadh to stop raids in Gaza
It is a joint Arab-Islamic summit that will take place today in Riyadh with the aim of calling with one voice for an end to the Israeli airstrikes on the Gaza Strip. This was announced by the Saudi Foreign Ministry, which wanted to justify the decision to hold a single summit instead of one of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the Arab League. The Arab League, said its deputy secretary general Hossam Zaki, wanted to show “how the Arabs will act on the international stage to stop aggression, support Palestine and its people, condemn the Israeli occupation and hold them accountable for their crimes.” to pull.” . The appeal calls for an “immediate end to Israeli aggression against the Palestinians and the provision of all forms of support to Palestine and its people.”
Strong explosions in Kyiv
This morning, violent explosions were heard in Kiev: this was announced by the military administration of the Ukrainian capital, Rbc-Ukraine reported. The Air Force, for its part, has signaled that the city could be hit by missiles.
Kremlin: “Zelensky promises victories to cover up failures”
The lack of military successes on the ground is forcing Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to make new promises to his Western supporters to “convince them that such successes will eventually come.” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said this, commenting on Zelensky’s words yesterday at a conference in New York, saying that Kiev is still on the way to “achieving military results by the end of the year” and is “taking slow steps to the south, but also in the east.”
What we know about the Burevestnik nuclear missile tested by Russia
The Russian President announced: “We have completed the work on advanced strategic weapons that I talked about several years ago. The latest test of the Burevestnik global-range cruise missile was successfully carried out. It is a nuclear-powered weapon that can reach anywhere on the planet and remain in flight for days. There are traces of a possible test that is already taking place in the Arctic. THE DETAILS
War in Ukraine, what are Russia’s tricks to protect itself from attacks?
Kiev’s counteroffensive worries Moscow: As Sky News UK revealed, the Russians have begun resorting to strategies that date back to the First World War, such as drawing planes on runways or painting ships two colors to protect their assets as well possible. However, it is not certain that they will work: Ukraine has the means to be able to understand the bluffs. WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW