Ukraine sees itself in quotRightquotto also attack targets in Russia

Ukraine sees itself in "Right"to also attack targets in Russia

British Defense Minister Ben Wallace also believes that Ukraine’s attacks on Russian supply lines are legal. “If Ukraine decides to direct the logistical infrastructure to the Russian army, that would be legitimate under international law,” he told BBC television on Thursday. However, British weapons are unlikely to be used for this. Of course, Britain supports Ukraine, but artillery is mainly used in battles against Russian troops inside Ukraine.

In a backlash, the Moscow government accuses Western states of openly encouraging Ukraine to attack Russia. The West should heed Russia’s warnings about reactions that would trigger attacks on Russian territory, said Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova. Russia on Wednesday reported a series of explosions and a fire at an ammunition depot in the south of the country.

The controversy was sparked by statements by British Defense Ministry Secretary of State James Heappey that Ukraine’s attacks on supply lines inside Russia were legitimate. If Britain directly encourages the leadership in Kiev to take such measures and if the measures are implemented, it will immediately lead to “a proportionate response”, Moscow’s Defense Ministry said on Tuesday, threatening retaliatory attacks on centers. decision-making in Kiev. With such measures, it would not necessarily be a problem for Russia if representatives from certain Western countries were present at these decision-making centers, the ministry said. Russia accuses Ukraine of being responsible for the attacks in the border province of Belgorod.