The Ukrainian resistance is making life difficult for Russia. After the withdrawal of the army from Wladimir Putin having returned to the Ukrainians from Kyiv and many other cities, the military can almost sing a victory. In a video relaunched on the ТРУХА Twitter channel, a soldier from Volodymyr Selkensky dance march To accompany the comment: “Here is the best path to victory”.
A real scar following that of another soldier who was also caught dancing on the war front singing a song that reads “Honour to Ukraine, death to enemies”. Heroic deeds during this long conflict were also committed by civilians. One Ukrainian in particular was the protagonist of the resistance. At least on the web.
In fact, some time ago a video was shot on Twitter showing an elderly lady confronting the enemy, the Red Army. “Who are you? What are you doing here? – he asks the Russian soldier patrolling the streets in the Kherson area – you occupy, you are fascists”. Then he “gives” him sunflower seeds: “Take these sunflower seeds, keep them in your pocket, so the flowers They will grow when you die“Like you, many others have thwarted Moscow, which has had to revise its forecasts: in the end, the war will not be as quick as the tsar had hoped.
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