Ukraine, the drama of Sergi: his girlfriend lives 10 km away, he has to travel 3,700 to reach her

His girlfriend lives just 10 kilometers away from him as the crow flies. But to achieve it, due to the War3,700 he had to travel. It happens in Ukrainein Kharkiv: the protagonist of this unusual story is Sergi Belyayevprofessional poker player.

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The Guardian reports that it takes 10 minutes by car from the 32-year-old’s house in the village of Tsyrkuny to his girlfriend’s apartment in the eastern city of Kharkiv. A quick turn west on Soborna Street, via the E40 highway to the Lesia Serduika highway, and you’re there. That was until the war broke out. But on February 24, it took a few hours for Russian forces to reach the village of Belyaev as they advanced towards Kharkiv, the Ukrainian city closest to the Russian border.

For Belyaev, the front line suddenly came between him and his girlfriend, 28-year-old Nataliy Drozd, and his parents. Lesia Serduika was no longer the familiar road that led to the city, but an impassable no man’s land. Belyaev was left boisterous, worried about his ailing mother, 66-year-old Galina, and his war-frightened girlfriend. Then Belyaev had an idea, like a bet. He thought about it, first discarded it, and then made up his mind. It would have replaced the usual few minutes’ drive with a 3,700-kilometer drive through the combat zones: an odyssey, but it finally arrived. In the photo published by the Guardian, his girlfriend greets him with a bouquet of white flowers.

Last updated: Sunday 22 May 2022 at 16:35