The United States also supports the creation of a special court to try Ukraine’s crime of aggression. said a spokesman for the State Department. “We believe that this special court should be rooted in Ukraine’s internal judicial system – he said – and that this would provide the clearest path for the creation of the new court and increase the chances of bringing those responsible to account.”
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The spokesman’s statement comes after US Plenipotentiary Ambassador for Global Criminal Justice Beth Van Schaak also announced in a speech last night that “the United States supports the development of an internationalized tribunal dedicated to prosecuting the crime of human aggression.” dedicated to Ukraine”. The seat of the court should at least initially be in another European country in order to “strengthen the European orientation desired by Ukraine”.
DATA IN MOSCOW ON NUCLEAR FORCES – In response to Vladimir Putin’s decision to suspend participation in New Start, the United States will no longer provide Russia with data on its nuclear forces. This was announced by a spokesman for the White House National Security Council. “Under international law, the United States has the right to respond to Russia’s violations of the fresh start by taking appropriate and reversible countermeasures to induce Russia to return to its commitments,” he said, referring to Putin’s announcement last week February. “This means that since the suspension of the treaty announced by Russia is legally invalid – the spokesman concludes – the United States has a legal right to withhold our biennial update of the data in response to violations by Russia.”