1688772968 Ukraine US break taboo yes to cluster bombs The UN

Ukraine, US break taboo: yes to cluster bombs The UN is against it

Ukraine US break taboo yes to cluster bombs The UN

The US will supply Ukraine with cluster bombs. That’s what the White House said. “It’s a difficult decision. We’ve been putting them off for some time,” National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan told reporters, adding it was “the right decision.” Ukraine’s request for the US to send powerful munitions has President Joe Biden’s approval received, thereby crossing an important threshold in relation to the type of weapons offered to Kiev for defense against Russia.

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Cluster bombs are part of the new $800 million military aid package the Pentagon announced today aimed at Ukraine. The green light came despite Marta Hurtado, speaking on behalf of the UN human rights office, declaring that “the use of this type of munitions should stop immediately” and had urged Russia and Ukraine to join the convention of over 100 countries that imposed the ban these devices.

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However, to avoid civilian casualties as much as possible, the type of “cluster bomb” that the US will deliver to Kiev will have a weakened capacity. The new military aid package for Kiev will come from the Pentagon’s arsenals and will also include Bradley and Stryker armored vehicles and ammunition for the Howitzer and Himar artillery systems. Faced with the high risk of Russian forces overpowering Ukrainian lines, Ukraine has called for cluster bombs to “defend its territory” and officially pledged to “reduce” the risk of civilian casualties. US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan clarified, assuring that “Ukrainians will not use cluster bombs on foreign territory, but on their own territory.”