Ukraine war, Von der Leyen in Kiev, meeting with Zelensky. LIVE

“The interviewer was interesting. We received an email from a plausible address and then the phone call took place with its normal preparations. In the conversation, the Prime Minister demonstrated complete coherence between his well-known thoughts and what he said. This is the episode, it is now clear that the management of the episode could have been better, otherwise we would not have fallen for the deception. A deception that connects us to many famous leaders who have important apparatuses and structures that support them and to countries that pay great attention to security. It wasn’t supposed to happen, but it happened.” Francesco Talo, resigning diplomatic adviser to Palazzo Chigi, says this in an interview with “Libero”. “For this reason – he explains – I considered it right to take responsibility for ensuring that it did not happen. I carried out the additional controls that would have been appropriate, albeit with great commitment, given the overload of my office and the plausibility of the received message. The affair has caused a stir that, in my opinion, has not been seen in comparable cases elsewhere, and so I felt that I had to resign, also because I hope that it can help to continue the path that the Prime Minister began , which has brought Italy so many important foreign policy successes in the past year, results that are recognized in public opinion and, above all, in the world. Meloni has quickly become a protagonist on the European and international political stage, thanks to her competence, her ability to interact with world leaders, thanks to the shared commitment to pursue some lines of action on all major issues of international contemporary affairs, facing unprecedented challenges, that have accumulated, a truly terrible mix, starting with the war in Ukraine and now the conflict in the Middle East.”

“I,” he adds, “always think it’s appropriate to take responsibility.” I understand that it doesn’t happen very often, but it’s my way of being. I think I have been consistent, 40 years of diplomatic career I was a Carabinieri officer, this is an experience that remains in my memory forever, also because it comes from a family tradition. And this sense of duty, this sense of sacrifice, the feeling of always being indebted to the state, to the nation, is part of my nature.”