Ukraine will continue negotiations with Russia but without talking about

Ukraine will continue negotiations with Russia, but without talking about demilitarization and denazification

Ukraine will continue negotiations with Russia but without talking aboutKIEV, April 5.- Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky said today that negotiations with Moscow are continuing but warned he would not discuss his country’s demilitarization and denazification, conditions Russia is demanding for the end of military action .

“We forgot the phrase about demilitarization of Ukraine even when I was offered to leave Kyiv. We told them to forget about demilitarization and denazification, we won’t even talk about it,” the president said at a news conference.

The head of state said his government could consider it a victory if the country retained its sovereignty, saved hundreds of thousands of lives and gained jurisdiction over the territories of the Russian Republic of Crimea and the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republics… and Lugansk.

Another condition of Kiev is that Russian troops return to their positions on February 23, a day before the start of the military operation, TV channel RT reported.

Zelenskyy indicated that his country would see the possibility of continuing negotiations as an internal challenge, asking for Kiev’s position on the Kremlin was asked.

He declared that Ukrainian society must “sit down”, “we have no other choice”.

On Sunday, the Russian Defense Ministry rated the images as a provocation and denounced them as a staging created for Western media.

He clarified that all Russian soldiers left that city on March 30, while the images were broadcast four days later after members of the Ukrainian security service and local television arrived in the city.

According to the Russian military unit, the facts “irrefutably confirm that the photos and videos of Bucha are another staging of the Kiev regime for the Western media, as happened in Mariupol with motherhood, as well as in other cities.” (PL) (Photo: AP)


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