UkraineRussia War News Today News from March 20th

UkraineRussia War, News Today: News from March 20th

UkraineRussia war, in today’s news and breaking news, the regions waking up at dawn to antiaircraft sirens, Zelensky’s video on Mariupol — “example of war crimes,” he says — and the city bombed again: a school hit with 400 refugees inside after Information from the city administration. In the night, the words of China: With regard to the conflict, the foreign minister explains, “we are on the right side of history”.

10.20 Le Positions of Russia and Ukraine ‘Agree on Important and Critical Points’. This was stated by Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu in an interview with the Hurriyet newspaper, which was relaunched by the Tass agency. “Especially on the first four points (of the draft agreement proposed by Russia, ed.) They completely agree. However, some issues need to be resolved at the presidential level,” he added.

HOURS 10.01 ” Our life is in computers, in telephones. We are here. And right now, with the bombs on Europe’s borders, there’s a cyber threat that shouldn’t alarm us. But we can’t help but worry. He says so in an interview with ‘Repubblica’ Nunzia Ciardi, former head of the Postal Police and now Deputy Director of the Italian Cybernetics Agency.

9:46 a.m. Tue Russia’s attacks on Italy ‘show weakness’ of Moscow. “Russian propaganda rockets don’t worry us, not as much as the daily rockets on Ukrainian cities.” That says the Secretary of State for European Affairs. Enzo Amendolain an interview with ‘La Stampa’.

9:25 a.m. “La The IvanoFrankivsk region continues to receive children deprived of parental care, hailing from the Ukrainian regions where hostilities are currently ongoing. Yesterday 30 children arrived from the Cernihiv orphanage. They had to travel a long way, travel 750 km. We have fed them and put them in a temporary shelter, they will have clothes, necessary medical aid and food.

9.17 Tues The Russian Defense Ministry announced today that over 100 Ukrainian servicemen and “foreign mercenaries” were killed in an attack at a training center for Ukrainian special forces in the Yitomir region in the north of the country. “Highprecision airlaunched missiles hit a training center of the Ukrainian special operations forces where foreign mercenaries were stationed near Ovruch,” said military spokesman Igor Konashenkov.

9.14 Seven humanitarian corridors are planned for today, March, 20th. This was reported by Deputy Prime Minister Irina Vereshchuk. In addition, it is planned to deliver humanitarian goods, food and medicines to the Kharkiv region from Kharkov to Rogan and Novaya Rogan.

8.55 La The Ukrainian youth prosecutor’s office reported the deaths of at least 115 children and the wounding of 140 others in attacks carried out by Russia since it began invading the country on February 24.

8:39 a.m. At least five people died in the city of Kharkiv, in eastern Ukraine, after the bombing of a multistory apartment building near an industrial zone. Local authorities posted the news on Facebook, stating that a 9yearold child was among the victims. They also posted pictures of the building catching fire during the attack. Ukrainian authorities yesterday denounced the deaths of 266 civilians in the Kharkiv region since the conflict began.

8:32 a.m. Tue Ukraine’s National Council for Security and Defense has banned the activities of proRussian political parties while the country is under martial law. The decision was announced by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy himself in a video message, in which he warned that “the activities of these politicians aimed at division or collusion will not succeed”. “And indeed they will receive a harsh answer,” said Zelenskyj, quoted by the newspaper “Ukrainska Pravda”.

8:11 am I am at least 266 civilians killed in clashes in Kharkiv region, in northeastern Ukraine, since the start of the Russian invasion. This was announced by the head of the investigative department of the General Directorate of the National Police of Ukraine in Kharkiv, Sergei Bolvinov, who spoke of 14 children among the victims. Besieged by Russian troops, Kharkiv had a population of 1.5 million before the war. The city continues to come under artillery fire and several residential buildings were hit and burned last night, UNIAN news agency reported.

8.05 am The local council of Mariupol yesterday condemned the bombing by Russian forces of a school where 400 people were taking refuge. On Telegram, the council reported that the building was destroyed and people are trapped in the rubble. The authorities reported that there were women, children and the elderly in the school. The BBC reports.

7.51 am Ukrainian authorities have announced that they have managed to move to a safe place 71 children from the Sumy orphanage who had been sheltering in a bunker for the past few weeks. “At the first opportunity to evacuate through the humanitarian corridor, we took the children from the specialized orphanage located in the combat zone,” said the region’s governor Dmytro Zhyvytskyi, who posted the children’s pictures on Facebook. “These are children who have no parents, and some of them need constant medical attention.” The BBC reports.

7.40 pJapanese First Minister Fumio Kishida and his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi called for an “immediate end to violence” in Ukraine, at the end of a meeting in New Delhi. Kishida and Modi stressed the importance of nuclear safety in Ukraine and pledged to take action to address the humanitarian crisis Ukraine is facing, according to a joint statement released after their meeting.

7.30 a.m. Volodymyr Zelenskyy appealed to Russian public opinion by recalling the 14,000 Moscow soldiers who died in the fighting in Ukraine according to the budget provided by Kyiv. “At the critical points of particularly heavy fighting, our front line defenses are practically littered with the corpses of Russian soldiers,” he said in a video message released overnight. “And these bodies, these bodies will not be recovered by anyone.”

7.21 “The Time will tell that China’s position is on the right side of history“about the war in Ukraine. This was stated today by Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi.” China will continue to make independent judgments based on the merits of the matter and with an objective and fair stance. We will never accept external coercion and pressure, and we also stand down against baseless allegations and suspicions against China,” he added, according to a State Department statement quoted by CNN.

7.12 L’The siege of Mariupol will go down in history as an example of war crimes. This was explained in a video message that the Ukrainian President posted on Facebook during the night. Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who speak of “an act of terrorism that will be remembered for centuries to come”. CNN reports about it.

6:00 am Antiaircraft warning sirens went off at dawn this morning in almost all regions of Ukraine. The Kyiv Independent reports that in addition to Kyiv, raid risk was activated in Sumy, Mykolaiv, Ternopil, Poltava, Kirovohrad, Kharkiv, Zaporizhia, Lviv, IvanoFrankivsk, Dnepropetrovsk, Rivne, Volhynia, Cherkassy, ​​Zhytomyr and Vinnytsia and Odesa.