Ukrainian refugee in one of Andrew Tates homes defends him

Ukrainian refugee in one of Andrew Tate’s homes defends him

A Ukrainian war refugee was among the female police officers found at Andrew Tate’s Romanian estate – and is now staunchly defending the influencer against accusations he is a rapist who forces women into porn.

The fugitive – who only gave the name Lisa – confirmed to the Times of London that she was questioned by police officers after they searched the home where Tate is accused of raping a 22-year-old woman who was held there against her will was detained.

Lisa had been there for about a month before Tate, 36, and his brother Tristan, 34, were arrested Thursday at a nearby property on charges of also forcing women into porn against their will.

“Everything the police have said is not true,” she told the British newspaper of the charges.

“I know you [the Tates] and they could not do this. The girls who live here don’t have to do anything. They’re good girls,” she claimed.

Andrew Tate and his brother were arrested in Romania last Thursday.“Everything the police have said is not true,” Ukrainian refugee Lisa told the UK Times.Portal

“What the police are saying, I know isn’t true. You have no evidence.”

Lisa said she was invited by two Romanian roommates to stay in the $360,000 home with Tate’s assistant. The couple made about $4,000 a month, she said, claiming it was all from TikTok comedy clips.

Although new to the war back home, Lisa told the British newspaper that she knows the Tates well, having first met them at a party in Kyiv about three years ago when she was working in marketing for a real estate agent .

She said the US-born former reality TV star “only acts” “for the show” like a hate-spitting misogynist.

Andrew Tate shows one of his many sports cars.Lisa insisted that Tate’s bad boy persona is “for show” and “he’s not like that in real life.”

“He’s not like that in real life,” she claimed of the former kickboxer, who has said rape victims should “take some responsibility” for their attacks.

“I don’t think anything bad about them – I’ve known them for a long time,” she said of the imprisoned brothers.

Tate assured Lisa that his online sex business “was a very long time ago . . . maybe when they’re 23 or 24 and they’ve made their first million dollars,” she said.

“You have so much money. You can’t make that much money from videos [sex] chatting,” she said.

Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan smoke cigars.“I don’t think anything bad about them,” Lisa said of Andrew Tate (left) and his brother Tristan (right). Andrew Tate/ Instagram

Her home in a gated community called American Village, along with the grounds believed to house his “Hustlers University,” were searched by police officers where guns were found.

Her home was also searched by police in April last year when an American woman said she was raped and held there against her will.

Lisa said police “checked everything” at the property and confiscated two laptops, including her own.

“The police wanted to know what I do for a living,” she told the UK Times.

Andrew Tate and his brother arrested.Lisa said police “checked everything” when they searched several of Tate’s properties. Portal

“I told them I received refugee payments from Ukraine and showed them all the documents and they said ‘OK,'” she said.

The Times also reported that Tate – who first moved to Romania in 2017 – transferred control of his website and consulting business last summer, months after he was investigated.

He initially transferred both to his girlfriend Georgiana Naghel, a 28-year-old US citizen who, along with the kickboxer and his brother, was one of the two so-called “Tate’s Angels”.

His management and consulting firm Emory Andrew Tate & Son was later linked to a Dubai-based company linked to American TikTok performer Abigail Tyson, according to the newspaper.

Tyson has a risqué OnlyFans website and has posted pictures of himself posing with some of Tate’s flashy sports cars, the UK Times noted.