“I don’t have a wedding ring for you right now, but I do have a garnet ring.” That’s what Sasha, a Ukrainian soldier who is staying in the east of the country, suggested to his girlfriend Anastasia Blyshchyk.
The request was made on April 5, after a relationship of almost two years, via a video that the soldier sent to his girlfriend, who is in western Ukraine.
1 of 2 Anastasia Blyshchyk was proposed by her boyfriend who is on the frontlines of the war in Ukraine — Photo: DW/Reproduction
Anastasia Blyshchyk was suggested by her boyfriend, who is on the frontlines of the war in Ukraine Photo: DW/Reproduction
“The video made me very happy. I smiled like that two days in a row, my mouth even hurt,” said Anastácia. “He called me back and I was like, ‘How can I refuse a man with a grenade in his hand?'”
2 of 2 Ukrainian soldier offers grenade ring in video with marriage proposal — Photo: DW/Reproduction
Ukrainian soldier offers grenade ring in video with marriage proposal — Photo: DW/Reproduction
Although the wedding is not yet certain, Anastasia hopes that this day will come soon.
“Sometimes it is difficult to deal with emotions. Especially if he doesn’t answer me, if he doesn’t text me or if he calls me and I hear these horrible outbursts. It’s very difficult,” said Anastácia.
Sasha is on the eastern front line in Donbass, one of the regions of Ukraine where the shelling was heaviest.