Ukrainians queue outside McDonalds restaurants as a fast food chain reopens

Ukrainians queue outside McDonald’s restaurants as a fast-food chain reopens branches in a war-torn country

McChicken Kyiv, anyone? Hungry Ukrainians are lining up outside McDonald’s restaurants as a fast-food chain reopens branches in a war-torn country seven months after Putin’s invasion

  • McDonald’s has reopened some of its restaurants in Ukraine to walk-in customers
  • The chain temporarily closed 100 stores after Russia invaded in February
  • She hoped this would help bring a “sense of normalcy” back to Ukraine
  • Pictures show queues of hungry customers seven months after the invasion

Hungry Ukrainians queued outside McDonald’s restaurants as the fast-food chain reopened its branches in the war-torn country seven months after Putin’s invasion.

McDonald’s reopened some of its walk-in restaurants in Ukraine on October 1 – after restarting deliveries last week, The Sun reported.

Images show queues of customers eager to sample McNuggets and Big Macs as they return to stores.

The American fast-food chain temporarily closed 100 restaurants in Ukraine after Russia invaded in February.

Hungry Ukrainians queued outside McDonald's restaurants as the fast-food chain reopened its branches in the war-torn country seven months after Putin's invasion

Hungry Ukrainians queued outside McDonald’s restaurants as the fast-food chain reopened its branches in the war-torn country seven months after Putin’s invasion

McDonald's reopened some of its walk-in restaurants in Ukraine on October 1 after restarting deliveries last week

McDonald’s reopened some of its walk-in restaurants in Ukraine on October 1 – after restarting deliveries last week

McDonald’s said it hoped reopening would bring a “sense of normalcy” back to the war-torn nation.

Yaroslav Holovatenko from Kyiv said: “This is a nice gift from McDonald’s.”

Paul Pomroy, McDonald’s senior vice president, said: “We are confident that our reopening will bring a small, albeit important, sense of normalcy to Ukraine.

“Leaders of Ukraine have said that returning to work is the best way for foreign companies to support the local economy and the Ukrainian nation.”

Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, forcing millions to flee the country.

In May, McDonald’s announced it was leaving Russia after 30 years in the country, closing 800 restaurants.

Images show queues of customers eager to try McNuggets and Big Macs again

Images show queues of customers eager to try McNuggets and Big Macs again