Ultraliberal Javier Milei leads presidential vote intentions in Argentine election

Ultraliberal Javier Milei leads presidential vote intentions in Argentine election .com

Elections in Argentina are scheduled for October 22 Alejandro Pagni/AFP

Argentina’s opinion polls, surprised by radical libertarian Javier Milei’s victory in August’s presidential primaries, now show the candidate in first place in the Oct. 22 general election, likely ahead of the ruling party’s economic chief Sergio Massa.

Milei, an economist and former television host, has incited the political elite with loud criticism and at times expletives against his rivals, promising to close the central bank, reduce government and dollarize the economy.

The latest poll by consulting firm Analogias shows Milei with 31.1% of the vote ahead of Massa with 28.1% and rightwing former security minister Patricia Bullrich with 21.2% as the favorite.

A second poll by Opinaia gives Milei 35% of the vote, Massa at 25% and Bullrich at 23%. Polls show that support for Milei is stronger among men, young people and less affluent groups.

“The result of the primaries was shocking, and the result of the general election will be shocking no matter what the outcome,” said Marina Acosta, communications director at Analogias, calling the dispute “characterized by political novelty.”

Polls suggest the November election campaign will likely end in a direct runoff. To win in the first round, a candidate needs 45% of the vote, or at least 40% by a margin of 10 points.

Milei’s closest competitor now appears to be Massa, who is part of the Peronist centerleft coalition and appears to be offering the struggling country two opposing economic models.

“Milei and Massa’s strategies must be opposites of each other,” said political analyst Julio Burdman of the consultancy Observatorio Electoral. “They are doing very well, which is allowing both of them to progress.”

A big caveat, however, is that Argentine pollsters misread the primaries and misinterpreted the last general election in 2019, meaning the final result could be shocking again.

Kim Jongun launches nuclear submarine into sea and threatens to “go into battle”

A North Korea announced on Friday (8) that it has built a new “tactical nuclear attack submarine”, a weapon to strengthen the navy. Dictator Kim Jongun attended the launch into the sea wearing, as usual, special clothing, a light suit and a Panamastyle hat.

Monday/KCNA/Portal 08/09/2023

Despite the pomp, the South Korean army said it was just propaganda as the launch was published by the North Korean dictatorship’s state news agency. For the South Koreans, the ship doesn’t even work

North Korean Central News Agency/KCNA/Portal 08/07/2023

Kim Jongun said the ship was part of the “development of the Navy’s nuclear arsenal.”

North Korean Central News Agency/KCNA/Portal 08/07/2023

Images published by North Korean state media show Kim wearing a light suit and an exotic hat. He turned to the members of the Bundeswehr, who were all dressed in white. The ship was decorated with the flag of North Korea

North Korean Central News Agency/KCNA/Portal 08/07/2023

The launch of submarine No. 841, named “Hero Kim Kun Ok,” marks “a new chapter in strengthening the country’s naval forces,” according to KCNA, the state press.

North Korean Central News Agency/KCNA/Portal 08/07/2023

The North Korean leader said the submarine would “accomplish its combat mission” and be “one of the main antisubmarine attack assets of the national naval force.”

North Korean Central News Agency/KCNA/Portal 07/08/2023

North Korea will convert its current submarines into nucleararmed warships, Kim Jongun’s dictatorship has said

North Korea Central News Agency/KCNA/Portal 07/08/2023

During the ceremony, which included confetti and other decorations, Kim Jongun mentioned a “strategic and tactical plan to further strengthen the modernization of submarine and surface forces and the further development of the Navy’s nuclear weapons in the future.”

North Korean Central News Agency/KCNA/Portal 07/08/2023

Accompanied by soldiers in immaculate white uniforms and multiple medals, Kim inspected the submarine as it prepared for its first foray into the sea.

North Korea Central News Agency/KCNA/Portal 07/08/2023

According to KCNA, Kim insisted on the “need” to equip submarines and other naval vessels “with tactical nuclear weapons.”

North Korea Central News Agency/KCNA/Portal 07/08/2023

However, the South Korean army warns against taking speeches literally. “Our initial assessment is that the submarine does not appear capable of being commissioned,” the Joint Chiefs of Staff told AFP.

North Korea Central News Agency/KCNA/Portal 07/08/2023

North Korea has held several military exercises involving rocket fire this year. In August, the second attempt to put a spy satellite into orbit failed. In response to these tests, South Korea and the United States increased their defense cooperation and conducted joint military tests.

North Korea Central News Agency/KCNA/Portal 07/08/2023

According to the USbased think tank Nuclear Threat Initiative, North Korea has one of the most significant submarine fleets in the world, with 64 to 86 ships of this type.

North Korea Central News Agency/KCNA/Portal 07/08/2023

However, experts warn that due to the age of the ships, only a few are operational.

North Korea Central News Agency/KCNA/Portal 07/08/2023

In 2019, state media showed Kim Jongun inspecting a submarine that had never been seen before

North Korea Central News Agency/KCNA/Portal 07/08/2023

“It is the same submarine, albeit fundamentally changed,” said Joseph Dempsey, a researcher at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, on the social network X (formerly Twitter).

North Korea Central News Agency/KCNA/Portal 07/08/2023

Ankit Panda, a U.S.based analyst, added that the new submarine’s capabilities “will not be revolutionary, but they have increased the complexity of North Korea’s nuclear threat.”

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South Korea has condemned the construction of the submarine

North Korea Central News Agency/KCNA/Portal 07/08/2023

Kim Inae, deputy spokesman for South Korea’s Unification Ministry, said Pyongyang “is wasting its scarce resources on developing useless weapons while ignoring the hardships of life for its people.”

North Korea Central News Agency/KCNA/Portal 07/08/2023

“Pyongyang must understand that its weapons programs and threats only endanger its security in the face of the devastating response of the strengthened joint position of South Korea, the United States and Japan,” he added

North Korea Central News Agency/KCNA/Portal 07/08/2023

Relations between the two Koreas are at their highest level of stress in years, with diplomatic leadership stagnating after attempts to discuss Pyongyang’s nuclear disarmament failed

North Korea Central News Agency/KCNA/Portal 07/08/2023

Negotiations between the two countries are being closely watched by American authorities, who promise retaliation against North Korea if the arms deal goes through.

North Korea Central News Agency/KCNA/Portal 07/08/2023

“They will pay a price for this in the international community,” White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan told reporters when asked during a news conference about “active discussions” between Moscow and Pyongyang over arms sales.

North Korea Central News Agency/KCNA/Portal 07/08/2023

Last week, US National Security Council spokesman John Kirby expressed concern about the rapid progress of these negotiations on future arms supplies and called on the communist regime to “suspend” these talks.

North Korea Central News Agency/KCNA/Portal 07/08/2023

“It says a lot that Russia needs to turn to a country like North Korea to strengthen its defense capabilities,” he added. Specifically, Pyongyang could supply artillery ammunition and raw materials for the Russian defense industry.

North Korea Central News Agency/KCNA/Portal 07/08/2023

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