1695081262 UN general debate War in Ukraine and climate crisis in

UN general debate: War in Ukraine and climate crisis in focus

Zelenskyy is likely to use his speech to the UN General Assembly on Tuesday to call on the international community to provide more aid to his country. Given the difficult counteroffensive against Russia, the president has to worry about how long Western states will continue to support him with extensive arms deliveries. For the first time since the start of the war, Zelensky will be present in person at the UN General Assembly.

Southerners push for compromise

Many countries in the global South, that is, developing and emerging countries that were affected by the effects of the war, are also pushing for a compromise solution – regardless of the fact that they do not want to antagonize Russia. An open meeting of the UN Security Council on Wednesday will also address the war in Ukraine.

Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine will likely play an important role in many speeches: in addition to Zelensky, also present will be US President Joe Biden, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, President Brazilian, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and the Iranian head of government, Ebrahim Raisi, addressed around 150 heads of state and government.

“Save plan for humanity and the planet”

In addition to the war in Ukraine, the climate crisis and development policy will also be on the agenda. A UN Sustainable Development Goals Summit began on Monday to take stock of the 2030 Agenda adopted in 2015. This set out 17 global goals for socially, economically and ecologically sustainable development, which must be achieved by 2030.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres speaks at UN Headquarters in New York

Portal/Mike Segar UN Secretary-General Guterres presented a “rescue plan” at the sustainability summit on Monday

Development and financial reform objectives reaffirmed

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned that most of the goals would not be achievable at the current pace, which is why he presented on Monday a “rescue plan for humanity and the planet”, which was later adopted by unanimously as planned. A group of states around Russia had threatened a blockade the day before, but ended up not following through on their threats.

According to the declaration, the international community is committed to accelerating the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and implementing concrete measures. These include national strategies to reduce poverty and inequality. It also includes a commitment to reform the international financial structure. This “needs to be more relevant, equitable and responsive” to the needs of developing countries.

Van der Bellen and Schallenberg present

Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen has been present since Monday and, according to the text of his speech, calls for action at the sustainability summit: “In a world where we are approaching inflection points, we cannot afford inaction ”. the Federal President will speak together with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Alexander Schallenberg (ÖVP), and will speak with the UN Secretary General, Guterres.

When it comes to the growing dissatisfaction of the global South, Schallenberg sees the need for action. “We are in a battle of offers with China, in a battle of narratives with Russia. And I think we have to do a lot better in outreach,” Schallenberg said in advance. The list of bilateral talks he plans to hold in New York certainly has an African focus. A speech to the UN plenary follows on Thursday.

Climate summit on Wednesday

The fight against global warming is not only an issue at the sustainability summit, but also at a climate summit (“Climate Ambition Summit”) on Wednesday, to which UN Secretary-General Guterres has invited. The objective is to “accelerate action by governments, companies, financial institutions, local authorities and civil society”.

The latest scientific assessment by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has once again highlighted the urgency of action, he stated in advance. “The damage caused by the climate crisis is already significant and global greenhouse gas emissions remain at record levels.”

“Huge challenges”

Guterres sent words of warning to the international community ahead of UN Week. “We will be united at a time when humanity faces enormous challenges,” said Guterres. “From the worsening climate emergency to escalating conflicts, from the global cost of living crisis and growing inequalities to dramatic technological disruption.”

Russia represented by Lavrov

But many particularly influential heads of state and government are steering clear of UN Week this year: of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council – China, France, Britain, Russia and the US – the US president, Biden is the only president who appears in New York. Russia, for example, is represented by Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

However, UN Secretary-General Guterres does not want to interpret this as a sign that this year’s UN Week has less weight. “It doesn’t depend on the presence of this or that president. It depends on the commitment of the respective government.” After all, the top diplomatic meeting “is not a vanity fair”.