1700591194 Un Posto al Sole Preview of the episode of Tuesday

Un Posto al Sole: Preview of the episode of Tuesday, November 21st. That’s what’s going to happen in this episode! The coffee from Baia Domizia

A place in the sun (Photo from Instagram)

In the next episode of A place in the Sun broadcast October 21, 2023 at 8:50 p.m. on Rai3, Ida She will be overwhelmed by deep despair. The previews show that he will find one in this difficult moment valid support in Diegowho seems to be getting closer and closer to her and building a special bond.

Parallel to, Lara realizes that she is in an awkward position, with his life in danger. Meanwhile, Scarlett has a meaningful meeting with her mother-in-law, creating a deep connection between them. None of this goes unnoticed nunciowho continues to question his own real feelings for Rossella.

Will he finally find an answer to this question that torments him? The episode promises to deliver fascinating twists and revelationswhich keeps the tension between the characters of Un Posto al Sole high.

A place in the sun (Photo from Instagram)Un Posto al Sole, broadcast on Rai 3 (Photo from Instagram)

A place in the sun: Ida and Diego are getting closer and closer

Ida he decided to stay at the Palazzo Palladini and after Marina saved her life,foundinher backsupport to continueandforherto continue to returnreturninwellatthereturna Veil of sadness continues to frown Ida’s face. Although she is allowed to be next to her little one, the situation is certainly not the easiest and leads to moments of deep despair.

In this context, Diego becomes particularly close to Ida, offered her his full support. The bond between Ida and Giordano grows stronger, opening up the possibility that a relationship could develop between them beautiful love story. Will this be the moment Diego finally finds the right woman after going through so much pain? The action increases with tension, promising surprises and revelations in the sentimental journey of Un Posto al Sole.

Lara realizes that she is in danger

For Lara, the epilogue is getting closer and closer. The situation now seems to indicate that Martinelli will not just count the hours that separate them from freedombut also the that she left it to live. repeatedhas repeated and the tone of her has indicated that the situation has now continued

There Woman may have no way outwhich opens up the possibility that Marina and Roberto can finally celebrate a long-awaited victory after months of waiting for a rematch.

A place in the sun: Rossella becomes friends with her mother-in-law

The mysterious figure that entered Vulcan turned out to be such IsabellaThe Mother of Richard. The charming newcomer seems to immediately bond with her future daughter-in-law. Between continuedand continuedwill continuea continuedof continued, causing confusion for Crovi, who will wonder why his mother is returning at this moment. But Silvia won’t be happy about Isabella’s presence either, because she sees her as a potential obstacle.

While the marital situation continues, Nunzio remains worried. Reuse now continues and reuse will continue clear answer about her true feelings for Ross. Will he finally be able to admit that he feels more than a simple sense of friendship for Graziani, or will he let it all go? The plot continues to spin its threads and keeps the tension in the air.