UN reports more than 420,000 displaced in Gaza after Israeli bombings

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said in its latest report that more than 423,300 people in the Gaza Strip have been displaced as a result of Israeli bombings of civilian areas.


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In an updated report, the company said 423,378 people have been displaced since last Saturday to today, of whom two-thirds (270,374) found refuge in schools run by the United Nations Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (Unrwa).

He added that various humanitarian organizations are welcoming the displaced into this school network, supporting those who remain in other facilities and distributing food and other basic supplies.

According to OCHA, “a total of 1,417 (Palestinians) have been killed and 6,268 injured in Gaza since October 7,” while 33 have been killed and 500 injured as a result of violence by Israeli soldiers and settlers in the Gaza Strip. West Bank.

According to Gaza’s Ministry of Public Works, “752 residential and non-residential buildings, including 2,835 houses, were destroyed.” Another 1,791 houses were damaged beyond repair and are uninhabitable.”

OCHA elaborated on the humanitarian situation, recalling that Israel had cut off supplies of water, fuel, electricity and food. Due to the lack of energy, four out of five waste treatment plants are closed and 53 out of 65 wastewater pumping stations are out of operation.

The water shortage, classified as severe, affects more than 650,000 people and the three plants that treat seawater for consumption (they produced 21 million liters of drinking water per day) are completely paralyzed. Likewise, the lack of electricity leads to high levels of food insecurity by leading to a shortage of supplies.

The OCHA report notes that Gaza’s 13 hospitals are partially operational, but their backup generators will soon exhaust their fuel reserves and they face significant shortages of medical supplies. Newborns in incubators and patients who require oxygen, among other things, are particularly affected.

Through a message spread on social networks? “I shudder to think of the humanitarian consequences the evacuation order would have.”

He was referring to the ultimatum issued by Israel to the residents of the Gaza Strip to leave the Strip within 24 hours, given the possible increase in bombings and a ground offensive by its troops that would enter the enclave to undermine Hamas’s military capabilities destroy and free the hostages that this movement took after the start of the Al-Aqsa flooding operation on October 7th.

On the other hand, OCHA stated that since October 7 to date, 1,300 Israelis have been killed and 3,391 injured. Furthermore, he confirmed that “between 100 and 150 Israelis, including soldiers and civilians, some of them women and children, as well as some foreigners, were captured and forcibly taken to Gaza.”