UN The solution to today39s wars was written 75 years

UN: The solution to today's wars was written 75 years ago

The start of the high-level meeting to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was marked by a reminder of the “failures” on this issue, reflected in the situation in places such as Gaza, Ukraine, Sudan and Burma (Myanmar ) reflect ).


He UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Turkinaugurated this Monday a high-level meeting in memory of the 75 years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rightshighlight his enormous contribution and ensure that he contains the solution to the suffering experienced today in places like… Ribbon either Ukraine.

“Sometimes there have been failures to uphold human rights, but the solution exists and was written in a time of horror, after the most egregious mass murder the world has ever seen.” holocaust“, emphasized the Austrian High Commissioner Start of two days of discussions in Geneva. “It has proven its power and effectiveness over decades,” he said, defending this Text adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 10, 1948 It has fueled liberation movements and the search for justice.

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However, Türk acknowledged that this was the case given the progress made numerous failures in relation to human rights in these 75 years “and We live a lot of them right now“Recalling the situations in the occupied Palestinian territories, Israel, Sudan, Ukraine or Burma (Myanmar).

The High Commissioner emphasized that the 1948 Declaration did this important earlier influencesand in this sense he cited the contribution of the Haitian Revolution (the second country to become independent in the Americas), the Enlightenment, African, Islamic and Asian values, “or the insistence on the universality and indivisibility of many Latin American voices.”

The high-level event will take place in Human Rights Chamber of European UN headquarters, with its famous dome decorated by the Balearic painter Miquel Barceló and soon to be closed for renovations. In the two days of dialogue The fundamental freedoms will be attended by, among others, the Vice President of Colombia, Francia Márquez; the presidents of Estonia, Greece, Poland and Senegal; as well as the foreign ministers of Spain (José Manuel Albares), Palestine (Riad al Maliki) and Mexico (Alicia Bárcena).