UN Undersecretary of State met with Haitian police officers

UN Undersecretary of State met with Haitian police officers

Miroslav discussed the security situation in the country and the challenges in this area with the director of the body, Frantz Elbé.

The UN official is on an official visit to the Caribbean country and had a meeting with Prime Minister Ariel Henry the day before where they assessed the evolving situation in Haiti, which is awaiting the arrival of a multinational security support mission. as well as preparations to receive this power.

They also addressed the conflict between Haiti and the Dominican Republic over the use of the waters of the Masacre River and the readiness of the United Nations to share its experience with both parties in finding a solution to this problem.

Likewise, Miroslav met with members of the High Transitional Council, a structure that emerged from the government agreement of December 21 and, alongside the executive, must be involved in adopting transcendental measures for the country.

At the end of the meeting, the Deputy Secretary of State assured that it is crucial to advance an inclusive and credible political process.

In addition, Miroslav spoke with Foreign Minister Víctor Généus in his office about the support of the Caribbean Community envoys to facilitate intra-Haitian dialogue and the situation at the border. “The UN supports negotiated bilateral solutions,” he emphasized.
