Unease in Government and PSOE over words from the Equality

Unease in Government and PSOE over words from the Equality Authority’s ‘Number Two’ on sex offender release

Secretary of State for Equality Ángela Rodríguez’s jokes about the law cutting sentences are only yes if they have sparked outrage inside and outside government. Rodríguez assured in a video of a podcast: “From the creators of ‘People go to the registry every morning to change their gender’ comes ‘The rapists on the street’ in an intervention of its dissemination on social networks. Both the PP, which has called for the sacking of the number two for equality, and the PSOE and the socialist part of the government have criticized Rodríguez, known as Pam. The Socialists find both the words and the “tone” “unjustifiable”, which they call “unworthy of the position he occupies”. Territorial Policy Minister and government spokesperson Isabel Rodríguez believes these are “very unfortunate” words on an issue where “it is not appropriate to frivolize”. Last Monday, during a Podemos feminist rally, Ángela Rodríguez ironically ironed the reduction in sentences and the release of sex offenders on the streets as a result of the enactment of the Ministry of Equality-sponsored Sexual Freedom Guarantee Act. In a relaxed tone, Irene Montero’s right-hand man in the ministry commented with a laugh on the attacks “from the extreme right” for the release of “rapists onto the streets”. After several hours of controversy, the Secretary of State for Equality has reacted in a video on social networks, in which she does not correct or retract her words. “Unfortunately, feminists are used to seeing much of our work reduced to hoaxes, fake news and manipulations that ridicule and misrepresent equality policies,” said Ángela Rodríguez.

“These are very tough weeks for something as serious as gender-based violence, including what is related to sexual violence, it concerns us all as a society,” the government spokesman added in statements in Ciempozuelos (Madrid). “I think it’s an issue that shouldn’t be trivialized and I understand that these are very unfortunate statements,” added Isabel Rodríguez. Industry minister and Social Democrat candidate for mayor of Madrid, Reyes Maroto, has suggested that “you can’t be ironic” about violence against women. “Of course, there was a context at that meeting that encouraged talks where the tone was not that of a foreign minister,” Maroto added.

Meanwhile in Brussels, Justice Minister Pilar Llop has insisted that the law and its implications “under no circumstances should be taken lightly”. “It is something very serious, the victims need to know that the government is with them and that the comprehensive law is a good law. I take crimes against sexual freedom very seriously, and victims should know that this government takes everything that happens very seriously and is watching how the yes-is-yes law is being applied,” he said, reported Silvia Ayuso.

Along the same lines, PSOE Secretary for Equality and Congresswoman Andrea Fernández has dismissed the Secretary of State’s words as “unjustifiable”. “You are not up to the responsibility that such an important position entails, even more so at this time. It must be corrected,” demanded Andrea Fernández on her Twitter account. The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has called for his release. The community leader estimates that after more than a hundred sentence reductions and the release of 20 sex offenders as a result of the implementation of the Sexual Freedom Act, “joking is inexcusable. Has Sanchez really intervened in such a way that he can’t even fire a foreign minister who does these things?” the PP leader wrote on Twitter.

The controversial event took place last Monday with the participation of Rodríguez, known as Pam, and equality activists and researchers Belén Diego, Marilyn dos Santos, María Naredo and Bárbara Tardón. It was actually the recording of the episode What happens to sexist violence? from the Podemos Feminismo podcast for the whole world, presented by the Prime Minister. At one point in the debate, Irene Montero’s number two in Equality says to the public in a very relaxed and casual tone:

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“We’re going to talk about what’s important when the rapists take to the streets, which the extreme right is now accusing us of. From the creators of the people will go to the registry [Civil] In order to change their sex every morning, the rapists come out onto the streets…” he laughs ironically and his laughter is supported.

“Hundreds, thousands,” adds a spectator with a laugh.

― “Oleadas”, emphasizes Ángela Rodríguez Pam between photos by Bertín Osborne or Federico Jiménez Losantos.

“The Secretary of State’s frivolity is as damaging as the denial of Vox”

The Minister for Equality and Spokesman of the Government of Castile-La Mancha. Blanca Fernández has also referred to this matter with sharp criticism, in which she points out that “the frivolity of the Secretary of State does as much harm as the denial of Vox”, according to which the Secretary of State can only apologize and correct himself. It’s the clear example of political entrenchment that we’ve seen in the last few hours,” Fernández said.

More than a hundred people convicted of sexual assault have been given reduced sentences following the passage of the Sexual Freedom Act, known as the Just-Yes-Is-Yes Act. Counselor Fernández speaks of “20 dismissals and 140 sentence reductions” and believes that this is “serious enough that we are all concerned”. “I ask for a little moderation, thoughtfulness, reason, common sense and, I ask that you correct your attitude and your absolutely unfortunate statements, and that you also correct the penalties provided for in the law, which are only yes,” said the equality minister from Castile-La Mancha.

The foreign minister attributes the controversy to “hoaxes and manipulations”.

This Thursday around half past one in the afternoon, the Secretary of State for Equality uploaded a video to the social network Twitter to draw attention to this matter. In the 2-minute, 16-second video, he made no rectification as required by PSOE policy. “Unfortunately, feminists are used to seeing much of our work reduced to hoaxes, fake news and manipulations that ridicule and misrepresent equality policies,” she says. Ángela Rodríguez points out in the tweet that only “a fragment of a podcast” was used, in which she explained that “to end sexual violence, we must put the rapists in prison, but also that the victims have specialized accompaniment.” to recover from the damage they have suffered, to point out that I enjoy flirting with sexist violence”.

In a serious tone, he added that he was concerned about reaching this situation “not because of the people who are so extremely manipulative,” but because of the victims. And it is aimed at women who suffer violence: “I would like to emphasize once again that our greatest commitment is the fight against sexist violence.” Also remember that the 016 service has been expanded to serve them. The Department for Equality, when asked about the controversy, referenced Pam’s own response video.

Pam has had the support of Ministers for Equality, Irene Montero, and Minister for Social Rights and Agenda 2030, Ione Belarra, both from Podemos and unreserved defenders of the law that only yes is yes. For one thing, she is “a manipulation” of her department’s work, tweeting, “My dear Pam_Angela, we’re moving on.” For her part, Belarra tweeted in response to a message from those affected, “We’re with you Pam. All of their yelling and kicking is a result of the progress you make.”

Alongside Feijóo’s criticism comes criticism from PP General Secretary Cuca Gamarra of the PP, who accuses the government of “not reducing penalties for sex offenders enough, they laugh too”. For what he asked in a message: “What else has to happen for Sánchez to end it? Victims don’t deserve to take their pain lightly. They deserve respect and support,” he added.

Likewise, the Vice Secretary for the organization of the training, Miguel Tellado, who shared the fragment of the video, asked himself: “How many meters can you still fall?” “There is no greater outrage and immorality in a political leader paid for by all Spaniards than to laugh so at the pain of rape victims and their families. Enough is enough,” he complained in a message on his Twitter profile. The official People’s Report also criticized Pam’s attitude: “She is very amused that with the government law the rapists take to the streets or their sentences are reduced.”