Despite the challenging economic scenario, the job market evolved very well in the previous year. An analysis of Public Employment Service (AMS) statistics shows that unemployment in Lower Austria has fallen by 21% – compared to the pre-Corona year 2019 by 19%. The unemployment rate dropped to 5.9%, the lowest since 2008.
Women, the long-term unemployed and people over 50 benefited most from the good employment situation. The number of employees increased by around 12,500 to 651,300. This represents an increase of 3.4% compared to the pre-crisis level. During the year, more than 100,000 vacancies were reported to AMS Lower Austria.
“Despite the growing challenges, the balance for the Lower Austrian labor market is positive,” explains AMS country manager Sven Hergovich. AMS Niederösterreich made “optimal use” of this development for organizational reforms and the initiation of innovative projects. Because high inflation and the massive escalation of the energy crisis would also have an impact on the job market. That’s why AMS founded the first climate protection training center in Europe, for example in Sigmundsherberg. Personalized programs for women returning to work have also been stepped up and, for example, offers of psychotherapy for job seekers have been introduced.
For 2023, Hergovich expects a slight increase in unemployment. “The labor market in Lower Austria is still in good shape. However, we assume that this will change in the coming months and that there will be a moderate trend reversal”, analyzes Hergovich. The construction, industry and service sectors are particularly affected. At the same time, he still expects job growth, albeit at a slower pace.