1676528428 Unesco Commitment to Responsible Use of Digital Platforms CMKX

Unesco Commitment to Responsible Use of Digital Platforms | CMKX Radio Bayamo

Unesco Commitment to Responsible Use of Digital Platforms CMKX

Paris-. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) today revealed expectations for the celebration of next week’s world conference ‘For a Reliable Internet’ aimed at regulating digital platforms.

In a statement, the multilateral organization said that the forum scheduled for February 22 and 23 in that capital responds to the call for action by UN Secretary-General António Guterres in the face of challenges such as misinformation and the denial of scientifically based facts., which is his opinion according to an existential risk for humanity.

“We are facing one of the most complex and crucial challenges of our time. We will face it together and define common principles based on human rights, especially freedom of expression,” stressed UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay, referring to the event.

According to the organization, the aim of the conference is to address common guidelines that make it possible to counteract the negative use of digital platforms.

In this regard, he stressed that since last September he has been leading a global consultation process as part of the fight against disinformation and incitement to hatred and for the protection of freedom of expression and human rights.

The conference will be an important opportunity for exchanges between the different stakeholders during the consultation process, with the publication of the guidelines to be set mid-year, Unesco announced.

The forum will be attended by more than 3,000 representatives from governments, regulators, digital companies, academia and civil society.