UNESCO dedicates Education Day to combating hate speech

UNESCO dedicates Education Day to combating hate speech

Paris, January 16 (Prensa Latina) UNESCO announced today that it will dedicate the International Day of Education (January 24) to efforts to combat incitement to hatred, a phenomenon with increasing impact on society.

“The accelerating spread of hate speech is a threat to all communities. Our best defense is education, which must be at the heart of all peace efforts,” said the organization’s director general, Audrey Azoulay, in a message marking the day ahead.

In his comments, he viewed it as a collective duty to prepare students of all ages to reduce hate speech and lay the foundation for inclusive, democratic societies that respect human rights.

To achieve this, we must better train and support teachers who are at the forefront of overcoming this phenomenon, Azoulay warned.

According to UNESCO, the problem has accelerated in recent years due to its spread on social networks, fueling prejudice and discrimination and creating a scenario conducive to violence.

For this reason, the multilateral organization called on its 194 member states to prioritize education as a tool to promote human dignity and peace.

The UN General Assembly has declared January 24 as the International Day of Education to recognize its contribution to peace and development.

On this day, UNESCO is organizing an online training for thousands of teachers around the world with tools to help better identify, address and prevent incidents related to hate speech.

For its part, the United Nations headquarters in New York will bring together ministers, education officials and educators from around the world to discuss the central role of education in achieving sustainable world peace.
