Prohiben en Francia manifestaciones frente al Consejo Constitucional

United Left and Podemos disqualify the Israeli Embassy

“Neither Israel nor anyone else is the one who criticizes statements made by ministers in a country where there is a democracy and where in a democracy each person makes the statements he or she believes is right,” Santiago said.

In this way, in statements to journalists at the headquarters of the Spanish Congress of Deputies, Santiago addressed the falsehoods spread yesterday by the Israeli embassy.

The headquarters in Madrid assured last night that “certain elements within the Spanish government have decided to join this ISIS-type terrorism,” which, according to the IU, manipulates the continuous and clear declarations of support for the Palestinian people that were repeated in the government last week .

“The State Department is responsible for the matter and the note it issued yesterday is obvious, very clear and forceful; We can only stick to that,” Santiago said.

On the other hand, yesterday he praised the statements of the first prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Mr. Moreno Campo, “who has been absolutely forceful regarding the conduct in this conflict, all of which falls under the statutes of this entity.”

“What is surprising at this point is that the United Nations Security Council has not already taken a strong decision to condemn the massacre that is being committed, these very serious crimes and collective punishments against the civilian population in Gaza and this new phase of the war Stop. “That’s catastrophic,” remarked the MP.

Javier Sánchez Serna, one of the spokespersons for the Podemos party, criticized Israel’s attempt to “silence those within the government who denounce the genocide committed by this country in the Gaza Strip.”

He also called on the Israeli ambassador to “stop false dichotomies.”

At the same time, he claimed that acting Social Rights Minister Ione Belarra was defending “international legality” and human rights, and called on the Israeli embassy to “end false dichotomies” as condemning the Gaza bombings was not “in line with terrorism stands”. .

Meanwhile, the day before, Second Vice President and Labor Minister Yolanda Díaz, a top figure in the Sumar conglomerate of left-wing parties, “loudly and clearly rejected Israeli apartheid.”

In addition, Consumer Affairs Director Alberto Garzón described the Israeli army’s actions against civilians in the Gaza Strip as “pure barbarism.”
