United Socialist Party of Venezuela accompanies political dialogue with opposition

United Socialist Party of Venezuela accompanies political dialogue with opposition sectors Florida news and current events

Caracas, December 6.- The United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) recognizes, participates and actively accompanies President Nicolás Maduro in dialogue activities with sections of the opposition, the organization’s first vice-president Diosdado Cabello reported today.

During his traditional press conference on Monday, the political leader revealed that the issue of consensus is gaining strength on the right because “they’re not going to expose themselves and they’ve agreed on that.”

I can say that the first or last name starts with a C, everything is agreed, he assured.

He commented that the President invited everyone to meet and “has such a stomach” that he had Henry Ramos Allup, Secretary General of the Acción Democrática, and all “these political dinosaurs” in the Miraflores Palace, the Indian seat of government , received.

Cabello said that today the President is meeting with factors that in Venezuela have decided to bet on democracy, and you win or lose, he said.

He stressed that the political dialogue with the opposition sectors “is not yet complete” because it is humanly impossible for the President to meet with the 80 factors of the opposition.

Maduro, he is not a year old, he has been demanding dialogue in Venezuela for a decade, and that has many demonstrations, here there is a dialogue with popular power every day, he noted.

Explaining that the President has met with these sectors of the Venezuelan right on several occasions, he clarified that these are not meetings to partition the country, not at all, they are political meetings and these are the ones that will be said , because there are sessions that are not public, pointed out.

The first vice president of the PSUV commented that many of those who spend their time talking nonsense send small notes to Miraflores Palace every day to meet and they also send emissaries.

He stressed that if Nicolás Maduro has shown anything, it is that he is a president of dialogue and that does not force us to give up or surrender, on the contrary, we must always sit down with them to explain to The Bolivarian Revolution is long term.

Cabello said that since Commander Hugo Chávez’s arrival in the government, efforts have been made so that every day the elections become more transparent, universal, secret and secure, and that the people have the right to actively participate.


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