United States Banon quotTrump will win by storm in 2024quot

United States, Banon: "Trump will win by storm in 2024"

“Trump will be re-elected by an avalanche in 2024”. Steve Bannon, Donald Trump’s former strategist, explained this in an interview with ‘Piazzapulita’.

“We’re going to get a big win in the midterm elections in November, we’re going to beat the Democrats, and in 2024 Donald Trump is going to run and win hands down,” Bannon said, expressing his confidence in the tycoon’s return to the White House.

Negotiations with Putin? “No, Biden can’t. It’s a European problem. The United States has no vital security interests in this dispute between Ukraine and Russia.” “This is a European problem, it must be solved by the EU, NATO, Germany and Italy: we must stop the flow of gas and force the Russians to sitting at a table,” Bannon added.

PRESIDENT FRANCE – “It will be difficult for Marine Le Pen to win because she has to face all the media, the entire EU apparatus and the French elite,” said Steve Bannon about the runoff election for the French presidential elite on Sunday. “France is still controlled by the elites and this is also the tragedy of Italy and Spain and that’s why a lot of your young people are leaving to look for opportunities elsewhere,” Bannon continued, saying he understood why ” Meloni and others have a more Atlantean character. The point is that our enemy is not the Russian people, but the criminals who rule these countries.”