UNITED STATES Texas woman sentenced to death for killing her

UNITED STATES. Texas woman sentenced to death for killing her mother to steal her fetus

Taylor Parker’s verdict was announced in Texas on Wednesday after a week-long trial that began in September. This 29-year-old Texas woman was sentenced to death for the October 2020 murder of a pregnant woman to pull out and steal the fetus that was in her womb, according to documents obtained by a small New Boston town court, East, were published by Dallas.

For months, Taylor Parker had tricked her boyfriend and relatives into believing she was expecting a baby, taking to social media to talk about her – fictional – pregnancy and even go so far as to buy herself a silicone tummy. In reality, she couldn’t have children after undergoing a hysterectomy.

Investigative operations before the facts

Then, on October 9, 2020, Taylor Parker went to Reagan Simmons-Hancock, a 21-year-old young woman who was in the final months of her pregnancy, and inflicted more than a hundred stab wounds on her. After cutting open her abdomen to take out her fetus, she left, leaving the victim’s 3-year-old daughter asleep in another room.

Taylor Parker was arrested shortly thereafter, about ten miles from the scene, driving her car with the newborn baby on her lap. She had assured that she had just given birth. The hospitalized baby had not survived.

During the hearings, police on the witness stand stated that a few weeks before the murder, Taylor Parker began scouting pregnant women in specialty stores or maternity hospitals. She had made appointments at some of the clinics herself and was seen there, according to an investigator. Shortly before the facts, she had watched many videos of births and caesareans.